Chapter Five

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Something soft touched Ashleaf. She tried to ignored it at first, but after a few times she couldn't help but open her eyes. Nightfall was standing before her. She blinked away sleep and sat up, yawning.

"Yes?" She mewed, her voice muffled slightly by another yawn. "We found three more cats who wished to join us, as well as some clans." Curiosity drove sleep away as she perked her ears up. "Who? Who?" She asked, excitement making her get up and walk forward.

Nightfall led her down from the uneven hay, which was a little difficult to get off. On the barn's floor Ashleaf noticed three cats, which were having conversations with Acornleap and Fogfrost. Echostorm seemed to be quietly having a conversation with the youngest cat, a black she-cat with silver paws and a silver tail tip.

Ashleaf looked in awe for a few moments before having her gaze turned to Fogfrost. The tom seemed to of left the light grey tabby with Nightfall. Ashleaf purred quietly. "I heard they wanted to join." She mewed as the tom settled down beside her. He leaned towards her ear, his breath making Ashleaf's face warm. "They say four other clans live here, but near a Waterfall they know of a clearing big enough to house many." Ashleaf nodded as Nightfall padded over to the middle of the cats.

"As you all may know, we have five cats currently in our group. Those five are Acornleap, Fogfrost, Echostorm, Ashleaf, and myself. Three more cats wish to join us today." The three cats settled into a line, and Ashleaf noticed how the older she-cat's bellies seemed very swollen. "They're expecting." Ashleaf gasped quietly to Fogfrost, who simply nodded.

"I will start with Moon. Moon, you have wanted to join the clans you're whole life. Today I invite you to join our clan, known as Nightclan." Ashleaf couldn't help but smile at Nightfall. "Moon, do you wish to join Nightclan to become it's very first apprentice? To learn about the warrior code and to protect your new home?" Moon seem to quiver in excitement as she nodded. "Of course." She tried to keep her voice calm, but said excitement seemed to leak. Nightfall turned and nodded to Echostorm to step forward. The tom blinked and did so. "From this day on until you have been given your warrior name, you will be known as Moonpaw. You and Echostorm seem to share an uncommon bond, so Echostorm will be your mentor."

As the two touched noses and settled down, Nightfall turned to the brown tabby and the light grey tabby she-cats. "I will do both of yours at the same time. Bella and Dolly, you both have looked for a clan with Moonpaw to settle down and raise your expecting kits, well Nightclan gives you the chance to do so. Do you both wish to join Nightclan?" The brown tabby, Bella; spoke first. "I do." Then Dolly spoke up. "Me to!"

"Then from this day on, Bella and Dolly; you will be known as Fawnstripe and Mistyheart. Nightclan welcomes both of you."

Ashleaf raised her head and cheered loudly. It seemed to go on for moments before silence had wrapped around them. "Now." Nightfall flicked his tail before speaking clearly. "I will take  Echostorm with me to meet the other clans, as well as to find where I need to get nine lives. Reedstar and the others have led us this far, it is only a matter of time before we move into our new home. With that saying, Moonpaw, I want you to help lead Acornleap and Fogfrost to where you know the clearing is to start building. Ashleaf will stay here with Fawnstripe and Mistyheart until we all return."

Ashleaf nodded, proud of Nightfall's decision. After some mumbling the cats split up.

The medicine cat settled down, her ears forward as she listened to Fawnstripe and Mistyheart chatting away like birds. "Oh it's been so long, do you reckon Talonpaw is still alive? Oh! What about Brindlesong! She was such a caring warrior and everyone was so happy when she became one." Ashleaf couldn't help but mew, questions surrounding her voice. "Who?"

An eerie silence filled the air and both queens glanced at each other. "Oh...that's right, you don't know." It was Mistyheart to speak, her light grey tabby fur seeming to prick. Ashleaf nodded slightly, her paws trembling to know more.

"We might as well tell you." The light grey tabby's green gaze looked at Fawnstripe for a moment, who simply nodded. "Back when the four clans had come to be, there was a fifth. It's name was Hawkclan. We were kits back then, and, to be honest we don't remember our names because of how quickly we were sent out. Hawkclan was made by Hawkstar, and he was a vicious leader. He went against the code, fighting for sport and killing innocent." Ashlead trembled in fear, thinking about who had all died. She went still as the tabby went on.

"We all tried to live a normal life, but soon grew desperate as Leaf-bare came. It was our first season and although we had enough warriors to care for us, we were to crowded by the other clans. Hailclan called a meeting with the other clans and Hailstar arranged that the clans would send Hawkclan away. Mossclan was against it at first, but rumor has it Starclan cats came to them and told them Hawkclan was not meant to be."

Ashleaf gasped in shock. "But what about the young ones?! The kits, Elders?!" The silver tabby remembered the fond stories both Nightfall and Berrypool had told her about elders, how they were the true memories of the past. "The clans gave them all an option to stay, but those without true youth had too great of loyalty for Hawkstar. The tom died fighting to save Hawkclan, but he took down Hailstar at their final fight."

Ashleaf shook her head in dismay, glad such violence was over. "The place Moonpaw is taking those warriors are down a slope from the clans, so if we move there we shouldn't have to worry much about fights." "The only clan id worry such things is from Nettleclan! They'd think the whole forest was theirs if it wasn't for Hailclan being around." As Fawnstripe made the joke and the queens laughed, Ashleaf's gaze wondered away and out to the opening of the barn. She could barely make out the moors beyond them, and noticed after some time it was just near Sun-high.

"I can't wait till my kits get here, just a couple of days! Four little critters running around!" Ashleaf's daydreams stopped as Mistyheart let out a loud purr. She nodded. "How many are you having Fawnstripe?" The medicine cat questioned. The brown tabby seemed shyly embarrassed, but clear excitement rung in her mew. "Two, it'd be my second litter but first I'm able to keep."

Sudden new questions sprung up. "What?" Mistyheart gave Fawnstripe a sharp look, who had quickly shut her mouth. Eventually raised shoulders ceased, and the grey tabby queen gave a sigh. "Our mates were not fond on raising kits. They'd have their humans take them away a couple days after birth. When we found out they're were surviving clans, we wanted to join right away. We tricked our mates into letting us have kits again and then left." Mistyheart shuffled her paws, clearly looking miserable. Fawnstripe suddenly spoke up. "It must be nice to have a cat moon over you, like how Fogfrost does you Ashleaf."

Ashleaf's heart quickened at the mention of the tom's name. "Medicine cats can't have mates, it would distract them." She quickly stated, but her face felt hot. "Would it? What about leaders? Or warriors?" Fawnstripe prompted in a teasing manner. Ashleaf suddenly felt her fur prickle. She got up, quickly dismissing herself. As she walked out she could hear Fawnstripe call out.

"Just take some time to think about it!"

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