Chapter Seven

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Silver moonlight seemed to reflect around Ashleaf. Tints of silvers, greys, and blacks bounced around as Ashleaf padded up the slope. Tonight would be her first time meeting each medicine cat, as for it was the annual half-moon. She repeated the clan names in her head.

Hailclan, Mossclan, Nettleclan, Sunclan.

The four clans that had been there the longest. Ashleaf shivered at the thought. Her mind wondered onto her own clan. Nightstar was planning to pick his deputy the night before the gathering, hoping that more cats would join before then. She remembered him mentioning some kittypets and a couple of loners who were willing to join.

As her paws scrambled to the very top, she took a deep breath. The waterfall was before her. At first she thought it would let out a loud roar, but it was more of a pleasant muttering noise. The pond the waterfall fell into was vastly huge, reflecting the stars above.

The silver tabby turned her gaze from the water to the shore around her. So far no one was around, but in a couple of moments they'd be before her. Taking another deep breath, she let her shoulders relax. Her pelt seemed to glow underneath the starry night sky.

As Ashleaf listened to the muttering of the water, she had not heard the two cats approach. At the sound of movement her gaze turned to a large calico tom and a red tabby. "Hello, you must be Ashleaf. I'm Dappledpelt." The calico tom dipped his head, amber eyes shining. "This is my new apprentice, Reedpaw." The red tabby dipped her head as well. "Sunclan welcomes you to the Moonfall."

Just as the tom finished speaking Sunnypelt and a brown and white tabby she-cat padded out of the bushes. "Hello Sunnypelt. Hello Flowerpool." Dappledpelt dipped his head and the puffy orange she let out a purr. Ashleaf blinked, staying silent as the two started to converse. "Oh i see you finally have an apprentice! What's her name?" "Reedpaw." The calico gestured to his apprentice, who seemed to perk up as her name was called.

Ashleaf's gaze turned from them to an grey tabby who had padded up. Flowerpool was the one to speak. "Hello Eagleclaw." The tom said nothing, simply flicking his tail. He stalked towards Ashleaf, who felt as though she was trembling. The cats went silent as Eagleclaw eyed her. His yellow gaze pierced into Ashleaf's. "Nettleclan...welcomes you, we suppose." He turned and stalked down to the shore, and Ashleaf couldn't help but shiver. Sunnypelt padded over, giving her a reassuring look before padding to the shore herself, the others flanking her.

Ashleaf got up for a moment, her gaze following them before turning once more to a small white she-cat. "Sorry! It's so hard to get up that hill!" The white cat scrambled her way past Ashleaf, who couldn't help but sneeze. The she smelled heavy of herbs for some odd reason. It made her nose twitch. 

After the last cat; or Dewflight, had settled down, the medicine cats circled around the pool. It had been Sunnypelt to stand up. "Today not only four clans, but five unite under the half-moon. We are the cats willing to bring peace and health to those who may not seem it necessary. We will heal the next generations to come. So, I, Sunnypelt, medicine cat of Hailclan. Mentor to Flowerpelt, welcome Ashleaf of Nightclan to the forest! May her clan live on, and may she become as wonderful as her kin before and after her." The cats chanted her name, and the silver tabby could feel her face flush.

Breathing inwards, she watched as the chanting died down and all cats settled to take a small sip of the water. Ashleaf was the last cat, the cool, icy water felt pleasant and chilling. Closing crystal blue eyes, she let her dreams wrap around her.

Ashleaf was somewhere. Somewhere she knew well. She looked around in shock, even slightly in bewilderment. She was in the nursery. "Why am I here?" She asked, moving to get up. Squeals stopped her. She felt something tugging at her belly. As she glanced down, the image faded away, turning to something new.

A ceremony of some sort. It was an apprentice ceremony to be in fact. "You four have grown healthy and strong, and I am so proud to be the first to make you apprentices." The voice was female, one she had never heard before. Moving her way forward, the image suddenly faded away again.

Then she was out in the forest. Right in front of a stream. Some cats where circled around something, these cats she knew not of. Then Fogfrost's grey and white pelt flashed. "Where is Ashleaf?!" He yowled, sadness and grief heavily laced in his voice. "She's....hurt, badly. She tried protecting her but..the" The cat, a beautiful red and white tabby, started to shake. "I'm so sorry. I just wanted." He was staring at whatever was laying in front of them. Fogfrost shook his head. Laying his tail on the other tom's back. "She died defending her clan. If it had not of been for her, the dog would of gotten to Splotchpelt's kits."

"I wanted her to be my mate!" The red and white tabby wailed, any strength now gone. Another she-cat, a soft light grey, gently pressed her maw on his shoulder. By then some others had gone, most likely to find the supposed her.

With that, a sudden voice came to her.

"Paths have already been made Ashleaf. You're faith has been set. You have done so well to help Nightstar. Soon his reign is to come to an end, like any others. You must move forward. Soon your path will become troubled, but not one you can't control. You must move forward Ashleaf. For Nightclan..and for yourself."

"Fogfrost?" Ashleaf's soft and tired mew was almost like a whisper. The tom seemed to be spending more time with her, helping her with her den and eating with her. She never did hate it, in fact enjoyed it. Gently he nuzzled her, settling down beside her. "Nightstar is announcing who he is picking for deputy today." The tom mewed softly. Ashleaf sat up, blinking away sleep. "Do you think it'd be you?" She asked. He shook his head. "I hope not..I..don't really like being in charge of others. I enjoy the simple life of a warrior." Ashleaf blinked and smiled.

As dawn made way to sun-high, cats quietly chatted around camp. Had it not of been for a sudden screech, so scared and so loud, they would of continued to enjoy their morning; excitedly waiting for who was going to be pronounced deputy.

Ashleaf, in shock and fear, naturally picked up a bundle of herbs. Fogfrost was on her flank, also carrying another. She raced out and soon heard others following her. The silver tabby did not look back, only towards where the sound had come from.

 A sudden hard scent of fox hit her nose and she hissed. As the cats bounded into the clearing, they were met with a horrid sight. A she-cat, looking to be creamish with brown, defended a small kit. Fluffy fur was held back by blood, and Ashleaf couldn't tell if it was hers or the fox's.

The small kit, a cream tabby, squealed in fear and tucked herself closer to the cat who was passed out. Warriors poured from beside her, screeching at the fox. With closer look it was Nightstar, Acornleap, Echostorm, and Fogfrost. She took the time to zip around to the crying kit.

"May I see to him little one? To make him better?" She spoke in a soft voice, who she didn't want to startle. The kit blinked bright amber eyes before rubbing a white paw in her face. She nodded, padding closer and tucking herself in a patch of grass.

Taking to action and mildly watching out for the fox, Ashleaf began to get to work. He had a few cuts and eventually she noticed he had taken a hit to both the back and the head. Nothing had been fractured thankfully, just enough to knock the poor chestnut tom out.

She worked quickly, putting heavy smelling herbs on him and wrapping it in cobwebs. Eventually there was nothing else she could do. Turning her head, she noticed the fox had vanished. So had Echostorm and Acornleap. "They're hunting it down to get it off the territory." Nightstar mewed, a deep scratch on his throat. Ashleaf turned her gaze to the she-cat, who was wobbly and caked in blood.

"Are they alright?" Although she did not look it, her voice was powerful and familiar. "They're fine. Please, let me treat you..." "Brindle." She sat down, hanging her head. Ashleaf took the chance to sniff her over. "A bath and some sleep will do you good." Suddenly Nightstar padded up. "Please, come stay here in Nightclan." Although his voice was hoarse, his eyes gleamed with something. Ashleaf realized what it was.


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