Chapter Nine

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"From this day on, you four shall be named Bluefrost, Birchpond, Halfdusk, and Goldenleap. We welcome you all into Nightclan. With this saying, I think we finally have enough warriors that we no longer need to keep looking."

Cats mewed in agreement and even Ashleaf agreed. It had been nearly a whole season before four loners came to Nightclan wishing to join. Ashleaf was interested in each of them. Bluefrost, a small and lithe white she-cat with silver speckles along her back and legs had a bubbly personality and was very curious. Birchpond, a light brown tabby with faded white patches, while more quiet, was still very friendly. Halfdusk was a calico but it seemed that half of her pelt seemed to fade into white. Halfdusk was a decent role model to the others, but she couldn't keep up the stress of leading her friends. Goldenleap, being Birchpond's younger sibling, had followed him along. She was very motherly and perhaps would one day have kits.

Ashleaf padded into her den, staring for a moment at the herbs. She thought about the kits that were already there. Pebblekit, Palekit, Owlkit, and Cherrykit's apprenticeships were tomorrow. She had thought long about it and eventually had decided to see if Cherrykit wanted to be her apprentice. The small calico quickly said yes, knowing how frail she was while he siblings had easily grown.

"May I have a word?" A voice made the silver tabby turn. Nightstar stood at the entrance of her den. "Hello Nightstar." She mewed softly. "Of course, come sit." The black tom nodded, settling down. "How are your coughs?" Ashleaf asked with slight worry, going ahead and pulling down some herbs. The tom had started coughing badly the last leaf-bare and it had not gone away. He had hid away in his den, only coming out a few times. Ashleaf knew cats were worried so she had tried her best to keep them calm.

"Worse." He mumbled, shifting his paws. "I wanted to talk about Brindlecloud." Ashleaf blinked, turning her head. The she-cat had moved into the clans and had become a great warrior, assisting to the clan. Her charm and skills made her grow popular not only in Nightclan, but even the others. "Yes?" She mewed, settling down. "We're mates now. She wants to have kits as soon as Fawnstripe and Mistyheart move out."

Before Ashleaf could congratulate them, Nightstar let out a horrible cough. She soothed his back while mixing herbs. Cherrykit had padded inside just in time. "Cherrykit, be a good kit and fetch me wet moss from the puddle outside." The calico nodded and dashed out before returning. She laid the moss down and then squeaked. "I'll come back later." After that she dashed out.

After some wheezing the tom licked up at the wet moss eagerly. After a long time, he finally sighed. "I'm not fit to be a leader, let alone a mate." Ashleaf blinked in shock before gently rubbing his cheek. "Of course you are Nightstar." The tom simply shook his head. "This fox bite has stayed infected for seasons now Ashleaf. Others only simply have scars." Ashleaf blinked softly, setting the herbs in front of Nightstar. "You have been threw a lot Nightstar. It is not my word to say you can't do something. I can only help guide you." Nightstar nodded, sitting up. "Tomorrow, I will announce myself to become an elder. This cough has caused me to lose lives, all down to my final one. My last I will spend with my mate and my kits." Ashleaf dipped her head. "Echostorm will be a good leader, but he does not believe so. You must help guide him like you have me."

Nightstar paused for a long time. "Also." His mew after so long caused Ashleaf to slightly jump. "I was given a message. I will not say until I announce myself an elder, but I do think it will be shocking for you." He got up and padded out, leaving Ashleaf utterly bewildered.

The silver tabby shifted her paws. Why was she so nervous? She knew what was to come. Yet her mouth felt dry and her eyes glittered with nervousness. Cats shifted their paws and muttered to each other. Moonpaw, or now Moonfrost, padded over to Hawkpaw, mumbling something into her ear. The large she-cat's eyes shined as she glanced over to Fogfrost. Ashleaf's gaze turned from them to the newer cats. Bluefrost was muttering excitedly to Acornleap, who had the same equal happiness. Ashleaf purred. 'Those two will be mates in no time.' Her gaze then turned to Echostorm, who held a look neither happy nor grim, just neutral.

Finally her gaze landed onto the kits who padded out from inside the Nursery. Pebblekit and Owlkit walked confidently along while Palekit flanked them. Their fur was neatly groomed. Cats had started to grow quiet as they padded along. Cherrykit was the last to follow, nudged by Mistyheart who simply purred. Others purred as well, but the feeling of anxiety still made Ashleaf's head feel light.

"Nightclan." Nightstar's voice was only a soft rasp. "Today is the day we announce our very first apprentice ceremony in Nightclan. These four shall be trained under cats who will teach them the code and to protect their clans." After a long silence he spoke again. "Owlkit, from this day on you shall be known as Owlpaw. Scarstorm will be your mentor. Scarstor-" A rattled cough shook the leader and cats quietly listened, watching with sadness at their sickly leader. "Scarstorm, you are well in the skill of loyalty for your kin and your clan. Teach that to Owlpaw." Cats softly cheered, as though scared to scare their leader as the two touched noses. Owlpaw seemed disappointed but said nothing about it.

"Palekit, from this day on, you shall be known as Palepaw. Your mentor will be Brindlecloud. Brindlecloud, you are a honored warrior throughout the clans and it is about time for your first apprentice. Teach Palepaw well." Slightly louder cheering happened for Palepaw, but nervousness kept Ashleaf quiet. She prayed that he wouldn't pass out in the middle of speaking.

"Pebblekit, from this day on you shall be known as Pebblepaw. Your mentor shall be Acornleap. Acornleap, you have been here a long time and should of gained an apprentice sooner, but with your positive personality it seemed not to affect you." Ashleaf watched cautiously as Nightstar took a deep and rattled breath. Cats were muttering as well.

"Cherrykit. As requested, your mentor will be Ashleaf. Ashleaf, you also have been in need of an apprentice for a long time now. May you teach Cherrypaw all that you know." Cheers even though softly, still rung around. Suddenly Hawkpaw padded up.

"Today is the day for Hawkpaw to be made into a warrior. From this day on, she shall be known as Hawkwhisper. May you serve Nightclan well." Cats cheered for the new apprentices and warrior but seeing that the sick leader wasn't done, they went silent.

"Everyone." His voice was so soft that the birds that called from around them seemed louder. "I have two final announcements to make." Ashleaf's claws seemed to ache as she dug into the soft soil. "From this day on, Medicine cats in Nightclan may have a mate and kits as long as they have an apprentice to help them. My word is law and although the other clans may disagree, it is now our law." Cats gasped, but Ashleaf seemed to be the loudest.

Her crystal blue gaze swept over to Fogfrost who also looked at her in bewilderment. Cherrypaw looked at her mentor excitedly. Cats muttered but after some time started to nod. "It seems fair." Mews mumbled into the air. Ashleaf could feel her chest swell up at the thought of having Fogfrost as a mate. She smiled, a happy and warm one.

"My last announcement is that I shall no longer be leader." Ashleaf's gaze turned back to the crowd, shocked looks. "My cough has only grown worse due to the fox-bite. I have talked to Starclan and they have given me back my warrior name, Nightfall. I shall be moving into the elder's den to rest and live my final days my with mate, Brindecloud." After a cough, Nightfall's and Echostorm's gazes met. "Echostorm, you will be wonderful leader to Nightclan. I know you do well and under Ashleaf's guidance, you will make Nightclan a wonderful home."

"Nightfall, Nightfall!" The chanting of the clan as the tom padded down the meeting rock seemed to warm Ashleaf's heart. She watched as Nightfall and Brindlecloud rubbed cheeks. Echostorm padded up on the rock and all eyes lay on him. "It is sad to see Nightst-fall leave his position, but all we can do is thank him for leading and hope he lives a simple life." The tom took a deep breath before going on. "Tonight before I go to the Moonfall, I will pick my new deputy." Jumping down and heading into his new den, Ashleaf watched as cats quietly and excitedly talked.

Her gaze turned to Cherrypaw, who patiently waited. "Let's go out so I can show you the territory, it will be good for both of us." The small calico excitedly nodded. Ashleaf's gaze turned to Scarstorm, Acornleap, Owlpaw, and Pebblepaw who padded out of camp. Her gaze then turned to Brindlecloud and Palepaw, who were padding over to the side of her den to get moss.

Ashleaf sighed before nodding. "Let's go." The two swiftly padded out of camp, leaving the excited mumbling clan behind them.

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