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"Push Bluefrost, push." Ashleaf gently soothed the kitting queen. She seemed to be having the hardest litter out of them all. Already four kits lay suckling beside the blueish grey queen. "Two more." Cherryheart commented, gently pushing on Bluefrost's belly. The queen groaned but said nothing. 

After what seemed forever, a small white and pale blue bundle plopped on the nest. Ashleaf licked it quickly, having to tuck herself awkwardly on her own swollen belly. She kept licking until the kit started to squeal and then tucked it beside it's sister, a redish brown she-kit. She settled back up and watched as Cherryheart licked a red tom. Something felt familiar about him. She shook it off as she watched the six kits suckle on Bluefrost's belly.

The first kit, a tom, had been a dark blueish grey. He had a single white paw to mark him out. The next was a pale grey, nearly silver. It was a she-kit. The third was an orange tabby she-kit with white patches. The fourth had been the redish brown she-kit, the fifth the white and pale blue tom, and last the red tom.

The silver tabby purred at the sight. Although Echostar had passed away the first few days of new-leaf, the clan had been thriving. The new warriors had grown better and Brindlecloud, now Brindlestar, was thriving with her new kits and her new role. She had picked Fogfrost as her deputy and although at first he had denied, he eventually gave in. Ashleaf was happy for her mate and told him often.

The silver tabby's ears flicked as Acornleap padded into the nursery. The tom looked around before gazing at his mate and kits. "They're wonderful." He breathed, padding over and tucking himself beside his mate. Bluefrost gently licked his cheek and proudly looked at her kits. "What shall we name them?" She asked softly. Acornleap blinked and pointed to the last kitted tom. "Lets name him Foxkit. For his red fur." Ashleaf watched as the two picked names for their kits.

The first dark blueish grey tom had been named Rainkit. The pale grey she-kit had been named Skykit. The orange tabby she-kit with white patches had been named Petalkit. The redish brown she-kit had been named Sparrowkit. The white and pale blue tom had been named Fuzzkit, and of course the last Foxkit.

The two medicine cats left the new family to themselves, padding out of the nursery. A excited clan lay before them. Excitedly Cherryheart started to list the kits. Ashleaf turned and padded over to Fogfrost, gently licking his cheek.

He purred and the two settled down together.

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