Chapter 3

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~Your POV~

Why is this so different?

I usually have anxiety attacks at just the thought, of having to meet new people.

But why is this so different?

I feel comfortable, around Zane.

Something I often don't feel.

Right now Zane has a friend visiting and I'm hiding in his bedroom. No, no more people please. I'm just sitting on his bed, with my knees to my chest, hoping I don't die.

I hear a knock on the door.


No please.



Who else would it be though? I just sit here and don't reply. (Kinda reminds me of a roleplay I did..) I hope he will just go away. Hopefully he doesn't want me to go meet his friend. She sounds nice, but no.

"Y/n I know you're in here."


He opens the door.

Maybe if I just don't move and stay quiet enough he won't notice me. Nevermind he just sat by me. I've failed as a soldier. I'm a goner. Goodbye world.

"Y/n are you okay..."

No. No. No. No. No. No.

(Acurate description of anxiety ^^)

"I-I'm completely fine Zane."

Don't ask me to meet her please. Please. Please. Please.

"You should meet her... She's very nice.."


"I'm fine."

"Are you sure?"

Yes Zane I'm 204% sure that I don't wanna drown. Well that's what I feel like right now. I feel like I'm drowning. I make noises signaling I'm nervous.

"Do you have anxiety or something?" He asks.

"Noooo." I say sarcastically.

"Oh... so why don't you wanna meet her then?" He asks.

Is my sarcasm that good? Do I have that much training? I think I got the wrong branch of military because this soldier belongs to the sarcasm branch.

"No I do you idiot, I was sarcastic." I say jokingly punching his shoulder. "I'll go meet her.."

Brave soldier.

Brave soldier, *mentally sheds a tear taking off imaginary hat*

Zane and I walk downstairs. (Wait his house is two stories right?)

"You brought Garroth with you?!" Zane asks his friend, who I'm assuming is thy female.

Irene no please. No more people. I hate this. No. I'm stuck. I can't leave this situation. No please.

Stop the hate.

"Yeah... Is that okay?" She asks.

Not to me.

Go away.

Both of you.

I'm sorry.

But please.

"Uhh... I guess." He says.


"Well anyways I'm Aphmau, you must be Y/n" She reaches her hand out. Does she expect me to shake her hand? Ok, just do it soldier.

I shake her hand while saying. "Y-yeah nice to meet you Aphmau." Why. Why did I have to stutter. Noooo.

"Nice to meet you too, and this is Garroth, Zane's older brother."


Thank you for only saying hi Garroth. It is very much appreciated. I do a slight wave.

"So originally Zane and I were going to watch an anime... Do you two want to watch it with us?" Aphmau asks.

I nod, hoping I get to cuddle with Zane again.

"I don't see why not." Garroth says.


We're on the second episode now and luckily I haven't died. I'm sitting on the edge of the couch with Zane next to me. I'm so tempted to just curl up in a ball and... I don't know. Be alone.

I lay my head on Zane's shoulder, surprisingly he puts his arm around my shoulders.

"Aww does my little brother have a girlfriend?" Garroth teases. Is he meaning me? Most likely.

"W-what? No." Zane says.

I look up at Zane.

"Do you normally not cuddle or something?" I ask.

"Wait wait wait, you two have cuddled?" Aphmau asks.

"Yeah..." Zane admits.

So...... Comfortable....

Achievement Unlocked: Knowing Zane only cuddles with you.


A/N ye.

ok bai.

I Guess I'm Stuck With You | Zane X Reader (Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now