Chapter 25

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i'm not even gonna say "i'm not dead!" or something like that because i am.

A/N: i don't understand.. 50k??

also!! henlo my lovely ace community friends. would you like it if i made side parts to replace smut scenes for you? or do you not mind just skipping over smut scenes?

[[i feel bad for the readers who are allergic to cats, but it's kind of ironic because i'm allergic to dogs?? (i'm happy that i'm fine with certain breeds, sadly i'm allergic to some of my my favorites :,) )]]


~Timeskip to Fall, Y/N's POV

Zane has been in my life for awhile now, and everything's been going well. I still have my job at the café, I like working there. Zane's been hanging out with Aphmau a lot more lately, which is good for him. It's weird though- I get a little less attention from him than I used to now that he's hanging out with Aph more. I'm sure it's nothing, I mean- they are just friends after all. I think I just feel nervous because Aaron cheated on me with her.

Everything's good between Aph and I. She didn't know Aaron was dating me at the time, but- now that I know her more, I'm not sure why she's still with him? I try not to think about it, I'm sure it's nothing. I admit, Aaron has changed a bit. I wish them well.

In other news, Zuddles is the happiest cat. He's growing a bit of a tummy, and he's quite silly. I love him, though he won't hesitate to knock over whatever you're drinking or get on the counter when you're not looking.


I put some of my clothes into the dryer, as I hear Zane walk in the front door. "Y/n?" I hear Zane call. "Yeah?" I say, and go to see him. "I have something for you," He says, then kisses the top of my head. "Oh-, really?" I ask. "Mhm." He nods and hands me a bag.

~Zane's POV

She takes the bag, and looks at me, then she grabs the gift out of the bag, and sets the bag down. Her eyes light up, and she smiles. "Thank you!" She says, and kisses me on the cheek. It's a book of the stars. It has all the different constellations, from all the different times of year, and some history on them. The book made me think of the night we sat in the tree, and looked at the stars.

"'Sooo," Y/n starts, "Do you have any plans tonight?"

"Uh, not really; I figured we could just relax here," I say.

"Okay," She says, and picks up the bag, "I'm gonna put this away then give Zudds some water."

Zuddles meows.

"It's alright, I'll do it," I say. She nods and starts heading upstairs. I refill Zuddles's water dish, and he does a little walk/jog to his dish. He drinks his water, and eats his food.

"Hey, can I paint your nails?" She asks me, after putting the book away. I honestly don't know what to think, she's asked before, but I've never gone through with it. I think it's time I let her. "I mean, sure." I say to her. She smiles, talking my hand and walking up the stairs. "I don't have black nail polish, by the way. I'm excited to see what color you pick."

I don't really want color, but I suppose I could take the nail polish off if I hate it that much. She opens a drawer and inside there's her bottles of nail polish. A pastel pink, red, dark blue, sky blue, and pastel purple are my color options. "I don't know, what do you think I should do?" I ask her. "I'll surprise you," She says, grabbing the pastel pink and purple.

"It's not a surprise if I can see what colors you just grabbed," I tell her.

"You don't know how I'm going to paint your nails though? Just watch."

She sits down on the bathroom floor, and I sit across from her. I watch as she opens the pastel pink bottle and grabs my left hand. Slowly, she starts painting my thumb. "Wow, you're focused," I say. "Well, I don't wanna mess up and have to do it again. Painting nails can be pretty hard." She starts as she puts pastel purple on my index finger, "It takes a lot of patience."

I watch as she does two coats of nail polish on both hands. My thumbs and ring fingers are pastel pink, and the rest are pastel purple. "I'm done!" she exclaims happily, "They should be dry here in a minute." Y/n stands up, and I stand up after. "Thanks, you're sweet. After my nails dry, let's eat." I say. She nods, and I kiss her cheek.


After we ate, we watched (movie of your choice) together on the couch. "Can I sleep in this, please?" Y/n asks me, holding up one of my black shirts. "Sure," I say. She takes her shirt off, and I grab my shirt and put it on her. It's longsleeve, so I roll the sleeves up to her wrist. "Thank you, babe," She says, and gets in the bed, laying on her side. I get in beside her, cuddling up to her and putting my arm around her. "Sweet dreams," she says to me. I rub my hand up and down her side, "Goodnight, beautiful, I love you." Zuddles hops onto the bed, and lays at our feet. "I love you too," She says.



So, do you guys have any nicknames you would like me to use in the story? You can reccomend them in the comments. I just want more than baby, and such you know? For example, it could be sweetheart or angel.

See ya~


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