Chapter 12

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~Zane's POV (left off from last chapter)

Y/n follows me up to my bedroom. I walk to my window and close the curtains because it was oddly bright in here. Y/n plops herself on my bed, I plop on my bed next to her as well, but lay down. She ends up lying close to me. We're just quiet for awhile, and it gets me thinking.

"Y/n." I say.

"Hm?" She says, looking at me and scooting closer, now laying in my side.

"Sorry if you don't like this topic but I was just wondering, why would you want to leave Aaron?" I ask out of curiousity.

"I actually have been wanting to talk about this a little, I had no one to talk to and now I do." She starts, I nod. "Aaron and I had been great in the beggining of our relationship, but after about a year I felt like he started to manipulate my anxiety for himself. He'd kiss me, and the more he did it the more he wanted to do. After about a year and a half I started to try to leave him, but I always came back every time I tried. He'd say things that would get me thinking. Thinking about how I would be without him. He made it sound like I'd be miserable, but it turned into I'm miserable and I need him. He'd never introduce me to his friends. I have met a couple of his coworkers but that's it. I could go into more detail but I prefer briefly describing. He'd never hit me or anything, just threaten me with words. But that changed the day I met you. I knew I had to leave. We were in the kitchen and he was pissed. I think it started with him being mad about work. Then it turned toward me, I don't know how but it did. I said something, it wasn't much, I stuttered. I- actually we can continue talking later." She says, laying her head on my chest.

I could tell her eyes had watered. "You don't have to keep talking Y/n, but I need to know what happened. You said nothing happened physically till the day you met me."

She sniffles.

"H-He smashed a plate over my head. A-After that I just left, h-he asked my what my problem was and pushed me into the neighbor's pond. That's why I-I was wet when I met you."

I don't know how to respond. I tuck some hair begind her ear. She sniffles again. "I feel a lot safer here." She adds, bringing her legs closer to me. I begin to stroke her hair, making her feel better. I pull blankets over us.

Even when she is crying she is beautiful. I don't know how one person could get stuck in my mind so quickily.

"Zane." She says.

"Yes?" I reply.

"Why is it always so cold in your house?" She asks.

Not what I expected her to ask. "I don't know it just is." I say.

She closes her eyes as I continue to stroke her hair. I notice a small smile on her face, her smile makes me happy.

I have the temptation to kiss her forehead, but I don't know if I should or not. She did kiss my cheek earlier, but I don't know if that was out of thanks or not. I do it anyways, making her smile and mine bigger.


A/N :)) that was short but beautiful.

ok bai.

I Guess I'm Stuck With You | Zane X Reader (Female Reader)Where stories live. Discover now