Mistletoe (Kavi)

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Kirstie POV

"It's here. It's here. It's FINALLY here!" I screamed as i entered Avi and Kevin's. We were having a PTX meeting at their place about the new album. "What's here you little lump of happiness?" Asked Avi with his perfectly deep voice. Did i mention i have a crush on him. Yeah well i do and it's meant to stay between me and my diary because there is no way he'd like me back.

"Christmas! Duh?! I love Christmas soo much. How did you not know that?" I asked a little upset but still kept my cool. "Of course i knew that. I just wanted to tease you." He said and bopped my nose. I blushed a little and smiled. "So..... where's Kevin?" I asked. "He went to get Scott and Mitch cause their car broke down in the middle of the street. They have to go take it to the mechanic to repair it. So they're gonna be a little late. Like.... an hour or more." He said.

"Why didn't you guys tell me? Now i feel like I'm wasting your time. I should go and come back later." I said as i turned around to leave but Avi grabbed my arm and pulled me really close. "No! Stay.... please. It was my idea not to tell you. I just thought that maybe we could spend some time together cause we really haven't been able to talk lately because of work and stuff." He said and his face turned red. "Oh. That's sweet of you Avi. I would love to hang out with you." I said and hugged him. He hugged back in an instant.

We pulled back from the hug. "So. What do you wanna do?" I asked. "Anything you like. I'm okay with anything." He said. "How about....... baking. Christmas cookies?" I said pouting with puppy dog eyes. "How can i say no to that?" He said. I started jumping and shouting. "YAYYYY! Let's go." I said and pulled him to the kitchen with all of my strength. He just stood there laughing at me. "What's so funny Bassman?" I asked. "Just your excitement Kit." He said bopping my nose again like I'm some three year old.

We got the stuff for our cookies and started laying them on the kitchen counter. "What flavour should we make them?" I asked him. "Anything you like Kirst." He said. I huffed and said "How about half pumpkin spice and half vanilla and half chocolate!" I said smiling but he wasn't. It was more of a lost child's face. "What?" I asked. "That's too many halves Kirstie!" He said and he bursted out laughing. "Oh shut up. You know what i said."

And with that i threw some flour at his face. "Ohhh. Two can play at that game." He said and cracked an egg over my head. "What the hell Avi!" I screamed. We continued like this for a few minutes and the kitchen was a mess. He threw more flour at me and tripped causing me to fall over as well. I was on top of him and he just stared into my eyes. I did the same.

"Erm.... we should uh get up and clean up. Don't you think?" Said Avi. "Yeah but um. I don't have clothes to wear." "I'll give you some of my clothes. You can wear one of my shirts." He said. "Thanks Avi. You're really sweet you know that?" I asked. "Yeah. And you're really pretty you know that?" As soon as he said that my eyes went wide and smile spread across my face. "Oh.... thanks." I said.

"No.... i-i didn't mean it like that i just m-meant it like. You're pretty and not.... ugly, i guess. I'm.... I'm sorry!" He said. "Avi it's okay. I like that you think I'm pretty. It's nice to be complimented once in a while." I said. "You're welcome. And one more thing." "What?" I asked. "You do know we are still on the floor right?" He said. We looked at eachother for a while but then we started laughing like crazy. "How about we do this. I'll go wash up first and you make the cookies. When I'm done you go wash up and I'll clean the kitchen. Fair?" He said. "Fair!" I said and we shook hands.

He went to get cleaned up while i made the cookies. I put them in the oven and went upstairs to see if he was ready but as i was walking to the bathroom door to knock he got out in only his towel...... akward! "Oh... I'm um sorry." I said and covered my eyes. He just giggled and put his hands on mine to remove them from my face. "It's okay Kirst. I'm not naked." He said and we both laughed. "I know but it's still embarrassing." I said turning red.

"You can go in and take a shower now. I layed your clothes next to the sink. Tell me if you don't like them or if they're not comfortable. I'll get you something else." He said. "Oh please! You have good fashion sense. I'm pretty sure I'll love them." I said as i opened the door of the bathroom. "Hehe. Now go before the others come. I'll clean up the kitchen." He said.

"You better wear clothes though." I suggested jokingly. "What if i don't feel like it?" "Then we are going to have problems." I said and closed the door. I heard mumble something like yeah okay but ignored him. I always get the last word.


Man I'm so stupid. Why didn't i bring my clothes to the bathroom. It's funny though. She usually never says anything when the other guys are shirtless. Is it possible that....... no no no Avi. She would never feel the same way about me. I like her a lot but she doesn't. I cleaned up the kitchen and checked on the cookies. I took them out and layed them on a festive plate with snowman's and christmas trees and a big Santa Clause in the middle. I arranged them on the plate and got my phone out.

I got a text from the Scott and realised how late it was.

S- Hey. We are not coming to the meeting. It's already eleven thirty and Mitch is really tired. Kevin is going to crash at our place. Merry almost Christmas. Goodnight Basscannon! I love you 😘

A- Oh okay then. Have a goodnight. And i love you too Scotty Buckets x.

I replied and started watching tv untill i heard Kirstin come down the stairs. "Hey! Are the cookies ready?" She asked. I turned around to look at her. She was in one of my big shirts which fitted her as a dress. She looked ao perfect and beautiful and gorgeous and pretty and- "Aviiiii.... Are you there?" She said waving her hands in front of my face.

"Oh yeah. Sry just spaced out for a moment. The cookies are on the table cooling down. I already arranged them on a plate. Oh and the guys aren't coming. Kevin is going to stay at their place for the night and i was thinking..... maybe you would like to stay here tonight?" I asked. "I would love to. Thanks for everything Avi." She said and kissed my cheek. "I'm gonna go get the cookies and we can maybe watch movie?" She asked. "Yeah! A movie sounds great." I said and with that she disappeared into the kitchen.

I just sat there looking at the wall holding the cheek she kissed. "I... wow." I said to myself. A short time after she came back and sat next to me putting the plate of cookies on the table. "What do you wanna watch?" She asked. "Anyth-" "And don't say anything you like because that's not fair. You choose the film." She said smiling. "How about...... elf? Sounds good?" I asked her. "Anything you like!" She said trying to imitate my low voice.... she failed obviously.

We started the movie and i saw her shiver. "You okay over there?" I asked her. "Yeah. Just a little cold. Don't worry about it." She said. "Don't worry about it? Come here." I said opening my arms wide for her to cuddle into. I got a blanket from underneath the couch and put it on top of us. It was perfect. The film was over and it was 1.45am..... christmas day. Kirstie was asleep on my shoulder and i decided to carry her to the guest room. I started going up the stairs when she woke up. "I can walk by my self you know?" She said. "It's okay.... i got you." I said and continued my way up.

We reached the top of the stairs and she got off. "Thanks. You didn't have to. You probably hurt your back now." She said sadly. "No i didn't. You're as light as a feather." I said. "Erm..... Avi." "Yeah?" I asked confused. She just pointed to the ceiling and i looked up with a shocked expression on my face. There was a mistletoe right on top of our heads. "Oh.... well this is.... akward." I said. "Do you erm.... want to though?" I asked.

"I mean..... yeah i kind of... like you." Said Kirstie with her head down. I grabbed her close to me and pushed away some hairs out of her face. "I kind of like you too." I said as i cupped her face with my hands and kissed her. She kissed back and then we pulled away. "Remember when i said you look pretty?" I asked. She nodded. "I was lying." I said and she put her head down. "I think that you are absolutely beautiful." She smiled and kissed me again.

"Can i sleep in your room tonight?" She asked. "Of course. Now i have a question for you. Would you like to be my girlfriend?" I asked her. "Oh my gosh Avi! Yes.... i would love to!"She said jumping into my arms.

"Merry Christmas dragon." "Merry Christmas beautiful." I said and kissed her again

So this is the first chapter of this one shots thing.
I hope you liked it and thankyou for reading.
If you're a Kavi/Scömìche shipper..... but mostly Kavi.... definetly go check out my other story Opposites Attract.
America! (Plz, if ya know what it means..... I'll never stop loving you!)

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