I need your love (Kavi)

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An: This story is inspired by two songs, "I need your love" and "Perfect after all" by Sarah Close. So listen to the song before reading this if you want, it's only a minute long, or read the lyrics bc i will be writing them here.

Also... i might be uploading shorter  chapters but i will be uploading more often if i do so. Idk comment below and tell me what you think. Also comment below any requests pls.

Okay enough chit chat... let's get into this story.

Kirstie POV

Love. A four letter word with so much meaning. It comes out as short and sweet. It has various different meanings too. It means different things when said to different people. What is love though?

There are different types of love in this world.


The love you feel towards your parents and siblings and other family members. That's love that many people feel. I feel like that towards my mom mostly. I love my mom.


Love towards your friends. I love my friends. I am thankful that i have Scott and Mitch. We are inseparable... especially Scömìche. But i really don't mind though because i never end up being the third wheel when I'm with them.


The love you feel towards your idols. They are your inspiration and you can't live without listening to one of their songs everyday, or watching one of their YouTube videos, or seeing one of their movies. You love them because they did something for you. They changed you and made you a better version of yourself and you love them for that.


The love you feel towards your significant other or your crush. You feel butterflies in your stomach just thinking about them and a whole zoo when they're in the same room with you let alone talk to you. You want to be by their side 24/7 and you don't want to leave them but you do forcefully. This kind of love is hard to find but easy to spot.

That's the kind of love I'm talking about. That's the kind of love i have. That's the kind of love i give but don't take.

You have never been much of a follower
You have drawn and crossed the line

I gave you my all but you thought it wasn't enough. I thought i wasn't enough, good enough. I thought that maybe, just maybe i was finally loved by someone who i love equally. 

You mirrored me to give a little
Then you moved on with life

But i guess i thought wrong. I felt like i wasn't enough for you, for anyone. You made me feel like i was everything when i was really nothing. But i still wonder why you did that. Was it intentional?

And left with me are wisps of you
A scent in the air

I still think about you all the time. You have taken over my mind and i really don't know what to do about it.

It catches me on weekdays mostly
And holds me there

I feel like I'm your prisoner without you even knowing. I feel like I'm stuck in one place and can't move. You were my map and now, without you, I've lost my way. *SORRY ARMY THAT WAS NOT INTENTIONAL I JUST REALISED. OKAY MOVING ON.*

For a moment we are back to when
You were here as mine

I don't just think about you... i think about us. I know they say let go of the past but i can't. I can't let you go. I want you to hold me and i want to rest my head on your shoulder and i want to wake up next to you every morning and...   i just want you, to be there for me, always.

And we would let our hearts dictate
When we ran out of time

I want to forget about you but i can't. Everyday it gets worse because you move even further away from me. Everyday you let go a little bit more whilst i hold on tighter trying not to fall.

The pictures of you are fading
It's harder to recall

But guess what?

I've painted a new one lately
We're standing ten foot tall

I already fell.

Memories and dreams
Far away it seems like we never put a foot wrong

And i can't get back up.

I'm starting to think that just maybe it was perfect after all.

Because you're not there anymore.

Maybe we were perfect after all.

I need your love Avi....

But you already gave it to someone else.

Was that mean?
If so... i am deeply sorry.
But life's not fair 😂
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Thanks so much for all of your love and support.

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