Run to you (Kavi)

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An: Just to inform you... this is a short chapter because i have been running out of ideas so if you have any plz share. And again... i used the name Ben instead of Jeremy because he is a good guy and i loveeee Jerstie 😍😘😄


I opened my eyes in an instant. I heard my phone ring and was immedeatly blinded by its bright light. I cleared my eyes untill my vision came back to normal. I looked at the caller ID and though it took me a while to adjust to the light, i soon figured out the name of the person calling. It was Kirstie. Once I realised who it was i picked up the phone instantly. When i pressed 'answer' on the phone i could hear sniffs and hiccups. "H-hello?" Asked Kirstie. She was crying. But why?

"Hey what's wrong?" I asked her. "Oh... well. B-Ben said that h-he called it off. He s-said i was useless and then h-he l-left me alone. And he t-told me to have f-fun c-rying." Once she said that she completely broke down and sobbed. "And you believed him?" I asked genuinely curious about her answer. There was silence and she stopped crying. I sighed. "Kirstie?" I said. "Y-yeah." She sniffed. "Don't you dare listen to him. Listen to me okay? You are the most talented, beautiful, amazing, intelligent, adorable woman i know and if he says otherwise he is not worth it. He is the good for nothing brat not you."

"That's why i called you. Thanks Avi." "Hey. Do you want me to come over?" I asked her. "No. That's okay. I'm really tired and it's really early. I can't believe that you picked up." She said now completley normal. I looked at my alarm clock and after all this time i realised it was 4.30am. "Oh... yeah. I just realised it's four in the morning." She giggled. "I'm gonna go get some sleep. I'll talk to you in the morning. Love you." She said in her cheery voice. "I... i love you too Kirst. Good night... i mean morning.. or whatever. You know what i mean." I said nervously. "Haha. Whatever to you too i guess. Bye." She said and hung up.

I held the phone tightly to my chest and whispered. "I know you love me.... but you'll never love me like I love you. Love or not... I'll always run to you Kirstie." I said as i dozed off to sleep.

I woke up next morning and immediately remembered what had happened last night. I knew it was coming. They were arguing all the time when they were around eachother. Their realtionship is complicated and it always will be. Believe it or not this happened a few times before. That speech i said to Kirstie was repeated for the 5th time at least. Again.... they had a complicated relationship. An on and off relationship.

This was hard for me because i loved Kirstie with all my heart and i want her to be happy. But to see her every week crying her eyes out because a drunk Ben left her again.... That's not happiness. That's not even love. But i didn't say anything, which was my mistake.

I got out from bed and hopped into the shower. I brushed my teeth and put on some clothes. A blue flannel and some black skinny jeans and converse. *I really look up to lumber jacks.... if you understand pls comment down below. 😂

I left and headed to sound check. As i was driving i kept thinking about Kirstie. I tried to distract myself from thinking about her but i couldn't. She's got me wrapped up around her little finger. I am in love with her. I tried to date other people but they are not like her. She's different.... special... perfect. Ugh... get out of my head Kirstie. I thought to myself.

I realised that i was a little early so i took a different turn and drove where ever my head wanted me to go. I was going up a steep hill but the road was smooth. I parked my car and got out. I took a breath of fresh air and walked along the edge of the cliff. I sat down on the edge and it started coming back to me. I remembered this view.

This was the place that Kirstie and i used to go to when that peice of garbage used to break up with her. She used to put her head on my shoulder and cry while i hold her tight and then i would take her to my place and give her some ice cream so hopefully she cheers up. I remember that every night she would fall asleep on the couch and i would be the one to take her to the guest room after we have watched like a bunch of movies.

I miss those days. I really do, because we used to have fun together. But now all we talk about is how drunk Ben gets and how many times he breaks up with her every single opportunity he gets. Not gonna lie... i always had a bad feeling about him. But again.... i didn't say anything... and it led up to this.

I looked at my phone and found 3 messages from Esther and 7 missed calls from Scott. "Holy cow... I'm so late." I got distracted by these memories and Kirstie. I wished to stay longer but i had to go... duty calls. I hopped in my car, pressed the gas and sped to sound check.

I got there eventually and looked around. From the glass window i could see that everyone was hugging and smiling. I entered the room and everyone stopped and looked at me. I could see that Ben was there too. "What's going on?" I asked. Kirstie looked at me and smiled widely. "We are..... getting married!!!" She said as she held up her hand and showed me her ring.

She came up to me and i hugged her while the others congratulated Ben. She looked at me but i just couldn't get myself to smile. "A... aren't you happy for me Avi?" She asked as she looked at me with those beautiful hazel green eyes. "... of course i am. Why wouldn't i be." I said forcing myself to smile at her. "Thanks." She said and hugged me again. "He was drunk yesterday and didn't say what he meant. Then he came here and proposed. I'm so happy." "That's all i want... for you to be happy."" And remember... I'll always run to you I said in my head. I then kissed her on the forehead and she giggled. She went to talk to Esther and they both squealed.

I left the room to get a bottle of water. I was so upset and frustrated. I felt pain but i knew i couldn't do anything about it. It was hard for me to see her with another man since i loved her so much. After i had to sit through a miserable hour and a half of sound check i immedeatly went back to that place where Kirstie and I used to talk. I lied down on the cool green grass and thought about how Kirstie and i will never share this moment again...

That's what i thought.... untill a few months later, Kirstie called at 3.15am. "Oh boy.... here we go again....." i said as i answered her call...

Hey dudes!
*that was wierd...but I'm wierd so that's okay 😂😂😂
Sooo... how have you been?
It's been a while.
I have this thing.... called writers block and it is really annoying... so please if u have any ideas or ship someone... share them down below in the comments. 💕💕

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