Forever (Kavi)

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Ohmygod. This has just turned into a Kavi one shot.... oooppsss. And also this is a depressing one shot *cough TheAnimeCrew69 *cough. Highly requested...

Kirstie POV

I couldn't see or walk properly. I had to have help down the stairs. "Ugh! I hate surprises." I pouted. "Come on. It's going to be a good one. Please!?" He said. Even though i had a blind fold on i could still see and feel him doing the puppy dog eyes and a quivering lip. How can anyone resist that?! Even if they are blind folded.... "Alright alright. Fine... for you I'll do anything." I said and attempted to kiss him on the cheek but ended up kissing his shoulder. He just laughed at me and i crossed my arms to pretend i was mad but ended up laughing with him.

We continued our quest down the stairs untill i tripped but he caught me and my blindfold fell off. I got lost in his eyes... his beautiful hazel green eyes. "Surprise Kit." He whispered in my ear. As soon as he said that the lights turned on and a whole bunch of people came in jumping shouting surprise. Scott, Mitch, Esther, Kevin and Ben started singing Happy Birthday and the others joined in.

I removed myself from Avi's grip and went to hug every single one of them. "Happy Birthday Cutie pie." Screamed Mitch from the other side of the room. "Where's the birthday girl?!" Said Scott. "There she is!" Exclaimed Esther in a baby voice and came to pinch my cheeks. I looked at Avi and he just shook his head fondly of his sister. We all laughed at this silly gesture.

After greeting everyone i went and hugged Avi tightly. "You know you didn't have to do this right?" I asked him. "I know..... i wanted to do this. I love you Kirstie. You know that don't you?" "Of course i know that. I love you too." I said and got on my tip toes to kiss him when all of a sudden...

"You are missing on all the fun gurl an- oh... sooorryyyy!" Said a very drunk Mitch. "Perfect timing Mitchell." Said Avi. "Well excuse me, but momma has got to party. But she can't do that without her princess now can she?!" "Fine I'm coming. See ya later Avi. Love you." I said already pulled out of the kitchen. "Love you more." I heard Avi yell. "How are you already drunk?!" I asked Mitch. "One word.....VODKA!" he sang and i laughed so hard!!!

After a few hours everyone started to leave. Scott and Mitch were dead asleep on the floor of the living room. They were sooo drunk that they passed out about 2 hours after the party started. Kevin was cleaning up the living room while Esther was generous and kind enough to clean the bathrooms. I was cleaning the kitchen and Avi was cleaning the bedrooms.

That's what i thought untill i felt two gigantic arms wrap around my waist. It was Avi Avi-ously (*lol) because i felt his beard tickle my neck. "I'm all done cleaning upstairs." He said as he left a trail of kisses from my neck to my cheek. I smiled and turned around so i could be facing him. "Are you? Cause i believe we were having a moment earlier that 'Little Miss Mitch' interrupted." I said. "I do believe so..." he smirked as he cupped my face with his hands. We both leaned in and our lips touched. It was like magic.

I felt my knees weaken at his touch and shivers went down my spine. We let go of eachother and smiled. "Bye guys. We're leaving." I heard Kevin say. "Bye bro." Replied Avi. "What about Scott and Mitch?!". "Kevin has agreed to take Mitch and Scott home. He's the only one who can. Those two are like lost children when they're not drunk.... i don't want to know how they act when they are." He said and i laughed at him. "Just be happy that you haven't experienced Scömìche drunk in public." I said to him. He giggled but his facial expression changed. "What's wrong Avi?" I asked curious. "I feel like i- Oh right! I almost forgot." He said and left the room. I stood there confused at what was happening but stayed in the same position curious of what he was doing.

He came back into the kitchen with a box in his hand. "This is for you." He said and handed me the box. "Avi! Are you serious?! You already did this surprise party for me... you didn't have to do this too bec-" "Just open it. It's something that runs in our family. A tradition." He said turning red. I opened the box and there it was. A necklace with a silver heart pendant on it and on the back of it there was a word engraved in it... 'forever'. Avi kind of realised the confusion that was running through my head and spoke up to explain.

"Okay. So my family has a tradition that if there is only one son in a new generation, he is given this necklace to give to his true love who he thinks that he would marry some day and have a future with. That's why it has forever written on it. It means that we'll be together forever. It's yours.... i.... it's you. You're the one. My true love." He said smiling softly at me. I felt the tears at the back of my eyes escape as i jumped into his arms. I dug my face deep into his chest. "I-i love y-you Avi." I said huccuping because i was crying so hard. "I love you too Kit. I always will." "So will i. I'll never take this necklace off. It's beautiful." "And so are you." He said as he leaned in for another kiss.

To this day that necklace is still hanging on his true love's neck. Too bad it's not me anymore....

Don't cry.... craft
Have y'all realised that I'm obsessed with Dan and Phil? 😂😂😂😂

Hey beauties.
So i hope you enjoyed this one shot. I know some of you *one of you* did.
But anyways...

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