Light in the hallway (Kavi)

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Kirstie POV

So today is Saturday. Instead of sleeping in, which i absolutely love, pentatonix decided to go and have a day out just the five of us so we could get to spend some time with eachother before we go back home to visit our parents in a few weeks. Not gonna lie..... i really wanted to stay in bed and sleep and enjoy some relaxation. I was feeling a tad bit nervous because i think I've developed a little bit of a crush on Avi and when I'm around him i have butterflies in my stomach and i giggle at everything he says and i sometimes twirl my hair a bit......... so basically i look like a complete idiot..... and it needs to stop.

One, it would ruin the band if we ever broke up. Two, it would ruin our friendship and three, he would never like me back. I realised it was time to get ready so i got out of bed, took off my pajamas and went to take a shower. I got out, brushed my teeth and wrapped a towel around myself. I stood in front of my open wardrobe for a good 10 minutes before deciding on wearing a flowery lose top with a pair of light blue ripped jeans and some black heels. I let my hair down and brushed it a little bit before straightening it and then applied some make up. I grabbed my phone, my purse and my car keys and left.

I got into my car and started lisening to our album. I pressed play and after lisetning to a few songs, light in the hallway came up and i almost ran over an old lady with the shock. I'm not even joking... at least she was old and didn't see me almost kill her. But anyways..... the song was just so beautiful and meaningful. And the voice in it captures emotion.... Avi's voice. I started tearing up but soon stopped cause it was over and Na na na came on. I needed that since it is a fun and upbeat song. I just jammed to that untill i arrived at the mall.

I entered to find all of them there waiting outside. "Hey! She's here." Said Kevin. "Hey guys!" I said as i walked up to them. "Hey Kit Kat." Said Mitch. "Who's ready for some shopping?" He asked with the most enthusiastic expression on his face. "Woah woah woah..... i still need my coffee." Said Scott. "You can get your coffee later. Let's go." Said Mitch as he marched into the mall. "I'll get you your coffee Scott. Be right back." I said to him and headed to Starbucks.

I was walking in when someone grabbed my shoulder. I turned around and saw Avi. "Hey." I said. "Hi. I just wanted to let you know that Mitch wants his daily dose of coffee too. And he also did this." He said as he snapped his fingers in front of my face. I started laughing and he smiled. "Well.... typical Mitch. First he wants clothes and now he wants coffee." I said as he shook his head fondly.

We both got in the line and just started talking about the stupidest things ever. We finally reached the counter to order our drinks. "Hi." I said to the man behind the counter. "Hello there beautiful..." he said and i didn't know what to do. "Uh....erm..." was all i managed to say. I get really shy around people i don't know and especially in this situation. I felt strange and very uncomfortable untill i felt an arm wrap around my body. "I'll take a tall caramel frapuccino for me, an iced caramel macchiato for Kevin and- oh wait. I forgot... what do you want babe?" Asked Avi. At first i was confused but then he whispered "just go with it." into my ear and i immedeatly realised what he was doing.

"Oh... right. I'll take a tall peppermint mocha and 2 tall iced coffees for Scott and Mitch." I said while innocently smiling at the guy and also digging deeper into Avi's chest. He smiled at me and i smiled back. "Okay..." said the guy with a disgusted look on his face. "That'll be $18.57." I reached into my bag to find my purse when Avi stopped me. "What kind of boyfriend would i be if i didn't pay for your drinks?!" He asked and we both just started giggling untill the guy came back with our order and we both went back into the fake couple mode. We took the drinks and Avi payed for them even though i insisted that i should pay.

As soon as we got out and closed the door we both just lost it and started laughing histerically. I had tears in my eyes and so did he. "That was pricless. Did you see the look on his face?" I said. "I know right. That was hillarious. He was soooo mad... i think he spit in our drinks." Said Avi and i started laughing again. "We make a pretty good team don't we?" He asked. "Yeah.... yeah we do." I said smiling to myself. As we were searching for the rest of pentatonix we didn't talk. There was just silence.... but not the uncomfortable and akward silence... the one where we're just enjoying eachothers company.

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