Just a dream (Scömìche)

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Mitch POV

I heard some shuffling around in the room and opened my eyes to see a sleeping Wyatt by my side. I got into a sitting position and looked around the room. Just as i did Scott got out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around his waist. "Oh. It was only you." I said lying back down covering my face with the duvet. "Did i wake you?" He asked. "No... it's okay don't worry about it." I said almost falling back to sleep.

I felt the king sized bed sink and a pair of arms wrap around my waist. I knew it was Scott since he was the only one there and also since i was so used to his touch. I turned around and snuggled into his chest wrapping my legs around his. He held my waist tightly and rested his head on mine. "Good morning handsome." He said as he gently kissed the top of my forehead. "Good morning." I said snuggling deeper into his chest. We stayed like that for what seemed like only a few seconds but in reality ten minutes had passed.

"I had a dream last night." Scott blurted out randomly. "You don't say?" I chuckled, "That's so wierd. I never have any of those." He just looked at me with a serious expression but i knew him too well. I knew he wanted to laugh but he just held it in. "Ha-ha. Very funny." He said. "Okay okay sorry. You may presume." I said. "I had a dream. It was... amazing." "What did you dream about?" He took a deep breath and cuddled me closer to him if that's even possible. "It was about this guy i know." As he said that my body tensed and he seemed to notice. "What guy?" I said with a hint of jealousy in my tone.

"I don't know.... but he was so cute and hot too. His voice was so angelic and don't get me started on his tattoos because Lord help me." He said smiling widely. "Oh... what's his name?" I asked trying to keep it together. "I don't know exactly... but all i know is that his name starts with an M and ends with an ITCH." He said stroking the little hairs i had on my head. "Oh... he sounds familliar. Do i know him?" I asked giggling in the midst of the question. "I'm not sure... but you are so lucky if you do." He said.

"Tell me about this cute, hot, angelic voiced, tattooed guy." I demanded. "Well... i don't know much, but i know that in my dream, he was mine and only mine. We kissed all day and cuddled all night. It was magical. He is magical... that's all i can say." "Well he sounds wonderful. When can i meet him?" "Someday you'll meet this guy... soon probably." He said and i giggled.

I looked at his bright blue eyes and stared at him. "What?" He asked. "Nothing. I'm just thinking." I said. "A penny for your thoughts?" He said and i smiled at him slightly. "I'm just wondering how i got to be so lucky to have you in my life." I said as i leaned in and kissed his collarbone. "I ask myself that question every single day of my life, love." He said and leaned down and pecked my lips.

"Okay now it's time to get up." He said. I started whining and covering myself with the bed sheets but Scott removed them from me and carried me princess style and put me inside of the bathroom. "Get dressed." He said firmly. "But i really don't want to go to work today." I pouted. "Who said anything about work?" He said as he turned around to leave. "Wait Scott... what do you mean by that?" "I might have gave us both a day off and i might be taking you on an extremely long date." He explained and gave me a little wink. "Now get dressed. We leave in an hour."

Once he closed the door i slid off my clothes and hopped in the shower. After thirty minutes under the water i was done cleaning myself up and dried myself up. I chose a pair of black skinny jeans and paired it with a white button down. I brushed the little hair i had to the side and slipped on a pair of black converse.

I got out of the bathroom and was greeted by Scott who was wearing black skinny jeans, a white top and some black converse. We just looked at eachother holding in our laughs. Finally someone spoke. "So we're that couple?" He said referring to our matching outfits. "Yup... that's us." I said giggling. He got up and took my hand in his. "Shall we?" "We shall." I said as we started making our way out of the building.

First we saw a movie, the notebook, which is my favourite movie ever. Scott knows me so well i thought to myself as we were waiting in line to get some popcorn and two sodas. Once the movie ended i was a crying mess and Scott held me tight and told me that it was okay. Then we went to get some sandwiches since it was already three in the afternoon. After the food we went to a park near by and just admired the scenery around us. Time flew by and it was already six in the evening.

Scott suggested that we go for a walk and we did. We walked through random paths with our hands entwined. We were walking for a solid ten minutes when all of a sudden fairy lights fill up the area near us. I stare in awe at the beautiful scenery and we both sit down on the grass in each other's arms.

I looked back at Scott but my vision was starting to blurr. "Scott. I can't see!" I cry for help. "Mitch! Mitch! Mitchie honey get up." I open my eyes and see Kirstie hovering over me. I get up in a sitting position and i see Kevin on his phone and Avi staring at me blankly. "Wha- where am I? Where's Scott?" I asked panicing. "Oh my god. I am not doing this again." Said Kirstie. "No seriously where is he?" "Mitch for God's sake. Stop it." She said tearing up. "Just tell me where he is God damn it!" I start screaming getting mad as i hear a beeping sound in my ears.

Kirstie storms out of the hospital room and Avi follows her. "Mitch. Stop acting like this. You know where Scott is. He's dead. Get over it it's been two years already!" Kevin says as he goes to the door and calls for a nurse. I started to look around me feeling my body weaken. Tears start forming in my eyes and i couldn't see anything except for darkness.

I open my eyes as i heard some shuffling. I see Scott come out of the bathroom with a worried look in his eyes. "Did i wake you?" He asks. "No its okay." I reply. "Good morning Mitchie." He says as he lays next to me. "Good morning Scott." I say and cuddle in his arms as i re-live the same dream over and over again.

Crap? Yes i know...
But you're reading it so thank you for showing me pity. 😂
Comment below if you have any suggestions. 💖

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