Rather be (Kavi)

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Her lips were so soft on mine. And her touch sent shivers down my whole body. It was just like electricity. In this moment i realised something.... i loved her. I loved her, and i wanted to shout from the mountain tops (Our hearts belong near...... I'm like srsly obsessed with standing by.)

Okay so let's go a few hours back.

I woke up ready to go to our meeting when only one thing came to my mind. Kirstie..... She was so perfect and beautiful and well.... everything you would ever want in a girl. It breaks my heart everyday to see her and not being able to hold her close to me and kiss her and love her like she deserves to be loved.

I got out of bed and went straight into the bathroom to get ready. I took a shower and brushed my teeth. I put on some black skinny jeans, a white V neck and some converse. I didn't feel like doing my hair so i just wore a beanie. I took my phone out of the drawer of the bed side table and went down stairs.

Obviously i found Kevin ready and waiting for me. "Ready to go?" I asked. "I've been ready for the past hour!" He said and bursted out laughing. I smiled at him. "Well i didn't get much sleep last night." I said. "Why? What were you doing up?" He asked me with a concerned look on his face. "I..... i was thinking." I stuttered eventhough i tried to keep it cool. "Was it Kirstie....again?" I froze. I didn't know what to say to him so I just stood there. "No it wasn't. Yes it was. Maybe.... i don't know okay?" I said.

"Look. I would love to talk to you right now but we really have to get going. We'll talk about it when we get there." He said cheerfully. I just nodded with a blank expression on my face. "Your enthusiasm is astounding." He clapped his hands once and opened the door still having that stupid grin on his face. I couldn't help myself, so i just bursted out laughing and he did aswell. "Alright alright.... I'm coming." I said.

We got in the car and listened to some music. We chose PTX volume I since it was the only one there and we just jammed out to the songs. I did my bass line while he beatboxed. I felt better talking to Kevin about this.... crush you might say. He was my best friend after all and when i tell him stuff it just feels like i had a weight removed from my shoulders. I felt relieved.

We got there eventually and we both got out of the car. We were walking to the studio when i bumped into something.... or rather a someone. It was Kirstie. She was wearing a blue top with black shorts and a pair of flats. She had no make up on but she was prettier like this. I stared at her and she did the same. "I... I'm sorry. Its... I'm clumsy." She said still staring into my eyes. "No no.... You're not. I didn't look where i was going. I'm sorry." I said emphasising the I'm.

She smiled at me and nodded. I moved backwards so she could pass and keep walking. She gave me one of her cute looks and started walking back. I stared at her beautiful body figure but soon stopped as she turned round the corner and disappeared. I just stood there looking at the now empty hallway. "Sooo...." said Kevin. "Oh man. I actually forgot you were here." I said embarrased. "You really like her don't you?" He asked. "Of course i like her. Who wouldn't?! She's so.... ughh... Let's just go and talk about this later." I said frustrated. "Oh we will." He said and gave me a look.

We walked in the studio to find Mitch and Esther talking to eachother while Scott was showing Kirstie something on his phone and she smiled that beautiful smile of hers. "AVI!" screamed Esther. "Hmm.. w-what?" I asked. "Stop staring and get your lazy butt over here. We have to start!" She said firmly. "Okay sherif!" I said putting my hands up to show surrender.

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