Youtube helped me

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After Bruce made that video, it's got over a couple of million likes and a lot of subs with a lot of comments. I didn't think it would be good but it was obviously obvious that people wanted to see me on Youtube so I decided to do vlogs (video blogs), reviewing videos and games.

Setting up the camera, I was nervous but I wanted to do this, quickly pressing the record button.

"Hey guys! Tyler here and this is the Wayne Channel. I decided, after seeing what you lovely people commented on Bruce's video for my b-day, why not join the youtubing community. So here I am. This channel is devoted to understanding the family life behind the doors of Wayne Manor as well as everyday stuff. But first! We've got some quest - eons from the amazing people from the last video."

I scroll through my laptop and see a comment.

"First one from AmazingPhilFan and they say ~Happy Birthday to you, Tyler. Hope you have a great day~ Thanks, AmazingPhilFan, I did have a great day. ~Are you going to make more youtube videos?~ Well, yes I am. Here's another one from Jacksepticplier43 and they say ~I hope you feel better, no one should go through that. Anyways, who's your favourite Youtuber/s?~ Well I have a lot. I mean, I always look upto them too but my favourite Youtuber is Markiplier but I also like Jacksepticeye, Venturiantale, Lordminion777 and Mysurm too."

It was another hour before I finished recording in which many questions were answered. I added my intro and outro before up loading it. In a matter of minutes, 1000 views was hit. Over whelmed by how many people were watching it, I watched a video from Markiplier because I needed to watch a Markiplier video until I came across a video titled, My reaction to 'Tyler-Help Her win this fight against bullies" so I watched it.

"Good evening, my name is Markiplier and today I'm reacting to a video which many of you have recommended yesterday. This video is called Tyler-Help Her win this fight against bullies. The original video's in the descriptions below and can be found on The Wayne Channel. It has been a lot of news about it around the Youtubing community so let's watch it!"

5 minutes into the video, Mark was crying which made me cry then he got worse as the video became more brutal. At the end, he said,

"Tyler, I hope you're watching this. The Youtube community is here for you, no matter what. It would be apriecated if you commented on this video so we could talk. Also guys, please like both these videos, support her in the comments and don't forget to subscribe to her and me. Good bye."

Quickly, I commented on the video to say thank you. No reply. In this time, I made a Facebook account, Twitter account, Instagram account, Wattpad account and QuizUp account. I changed my d.o.b. then I got a reply from Mark.

M= Markiplier   T=Tyler

M: Hey Tyler. I'm sorry that this has happened to you.

T: It's ok. It's not your fault so please don't apologuise. I also have a Facebook and Twitter account if you would like to chat somewhere privitely.

M: K. Cool. Give me 5 mins.

[5 minutes later. Facebook messaging]

M: Hey Tyler.

T: Hey Mark.

M: I watched the video and I think that you have great potential to be a great youtuber so I was wondering if you would like to do a collab with me?

My head was racing. THE MARKIPLIER wants to do a COLLAB with ME?!

"DAD! Can I do a collab with Markiplier?" I yelled to Bruce, I thought I might start calling him that. He casually strolls in with a grin from ear to ear, nodding.

M: Tyler?

T: Bruce says I can so my answer is yes!

M: Awesome! U want my phone number?

T: Sure!

We give each other our emails and phone numbers before I log off and call it a day.

Next Day!!!

Today, I was gonna record the collab video with Mark so I was nervous. I grabbed my teddy bear, Mark (hehe. It'll be explained. I promised) as I set up my laptop for a Gmod, Horror game. I'll admit, I was scared as hell but I was willing to risk it. A chance with my favourite youtuber!

[Start of the recording]

"Hello, my name is Markiplier and I have Tyler from The Wayne Channel joining me today to play a horror game. How ya feeling?"

"Quite nervous to be honest with you 'cause it's my first time playing a game, let alone with someone else, let alone with my favourite youtuber." I reply, still clinging to Markie bear.

"Don't worry. No one will make fun of you. What's the bear's name?"

"M...Mark. I named him after you. I have a Jack bear which is behind me and a Wade bird which is the little ladybird."

"Cool! Okay guys. Don't forget to leave a like, comment and subscribe to mine and Tyler's channels if you like what you see."

We start playing the game in which Mark screamed the most and loudest. I just laughed my butt off when I saw the jumpscares. For the first time, I was with some people who cared about me.

Unfortunately, we had to end the recording on Mark screaming like a girl but we were gonna do a part two to it. We uploaded the videos which got views.

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