Nightwing and Fallout

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Tyler/Dick: Age 18
Dan/Alex: Age 8
Jesse: Age 4

So me and Dick are on a mission. Actually, I regulated that mission because I needed information on the Court.

As we enter the building, Dick signaled for me to follow behind him. A bunch of talons were yapping on about their new plan on how to take me or the bat down. Whipee...

What we didn't notice was that they managed to get a chainsaw in. A FUCKING CHAINSAW!!!!!

"I'm surprised that you boys aren't attacking us yet." I smirked. It was fun impersonating different people. I mastered Dick's signiture smirk.

"It's the bird and Fallout!"

"It's Nightwing and Fallout! We're doomed!"

"Shut up and attack them!"

I threw a few hard punches at the talons when the buzzing sound went off. Everything seems to slow down and I hear Dick's voice yell.

Next thing I know, I collapse to the ground. I'm missing my right arm....then I notice it next to me, blood pooling out from the open wound.

Darkness took over.

Dick's pov

"FALLOUT!" I yell as I run over to her. She's unconcious. I throw her over my shoulder and pick her arm up before running back to the cave.

"My god! Master Dick, what happened?" Alfred said in a panicked tone before putting Tyler onto the medical table.

"The court ambushed us on a mission. They chopped her arm off" I stated. He immediately got to work on stopping the bleeding... I watch him stitch the arm up.

"She needs rest." Al states. I nod and pick her up, carrying her to my room.

When I walk down, in civilian clothes, I notice Dan and Alex playing with the new Robin, Tim Drake.

Jesse was asleep on the couch which made me smile. I gently lifted him up and lay on the couch with him on top of me.

"Hey Dick."  Tim chirped.

"Hey you three." I yawned. God...I'm tired.

Then Bruce walks up from the cave with a boy, no older than seven.

"Boys, this is son." What?!

"When did you get a son?" I questioned in disbelief.

"Indeed I am, Grayson." Damian spoke.

"I'll be in my room...Tyler needs someone with her." I go to get up but Tim holds me back.

"I have an idea. Since it's Valentine's Day today, why don't you surprise her." Tim suggested.

My smile grew. Great idea, Timmy!

"Alright...she's in my room. Don't mention anything about her arm" i notify him before running out the manor. I have a plan.

Tim's pov

As I walk closer to Dick's room, I'm questioning what he meant by "don't mention her arm."

Entering his room, I notice Tyler arm. That's what he meant.

"Ty?" I ask.

She hummed in response.

"How are you feeling?" I keep asking.

"Sore..." She mumbled. She got up and trudged to her room, searching under the bed for something. She pulls out a metallic arm with a nightwing tattooed onto the shoulder.

She places it on her shoulder where her arm is missing then talks to someone called Compute.

Next thing I know, the metal arm is attacked to her body and working perfectly.

"Where's Dick?" She asks.

"In Mount Justice." I replied.

"Thanks. Now, could you leave." She tells me and I walk out and back to what I was doing with Dan and Alex.

Tyler's pov

I slipped on:

And walked downstairs

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And walked downstairs. Then I see Damian.

"Tt, Jones. What brings a Kryptonian here?" He asks rudely.

"My home, brings me here, Demon brat. I live here." I say back before walking to the garage.

I got onto my motorcycle and started the engine

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I got onto my motorcycle and started the engine. Driving through Gotham City and Blüdhaven.

After an hour, I reached Happy Harbour for it had been destroyed. Aqualad's on an uncover mission with Artemis.

Driving into the water, I swam towards Dick and the others who were there. Dragging them to shore, I collapses onto Dick.

"You know...if you wanted to have sex with me, you could have waited." He smirks as he coughs up water. I smack his chest with my flesh arm then chuckle.

"Tyler...your arm?" Connor questions, looking at the metal arm.

"Chainsawed off." I state bluntly.

Time skip to after the YJ have their mini hide out in Blüdhaven.

Dick and I walked into our apartment in Blüdhaven. The kitchen was candle lit red with crimson rose petals. Dramatically, romantic.

" shouldn't have." I say in a low tone.

He grabs me by the waist and pulls me into the bedroom, closing the door with his foot. Throwing me onto the bed, he crawls on top of me, kissing me with lust and passion.

I kiss back. He removes his shirt and starts to undress me.

This might be the best Valentine's Day ever!

Happy Valentines day. Hopefully, everyone's got dates and boy/girlfriends.

I still have Dick Grayson...

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