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As we walked into the command centre, we stand in line, opposite the league members and a girl, aged fifteen, long blonde hair. The computer intellect is activated.

"Recognised. Kid Flash. B02." The computer says in a monotone voice. Wally runs in, shirtless and carrying beach stuff. Unfortunately, he slipped and crashed onto the floor, landing in front of the new member.

"So this is Kid Flash?" She says sarcastically. Finally, someone who's badass and not girly. No offence to M'gann, she's great but she's a bit too girly for me.

"Name's Artemis." Artemis states.

"I'm M'gann! This is Connor, that's Kaldur." M'gann excitedly chirps.

"Name's Tyler, also known as Fallout. This is Robin." I say in calm tone.

"She will be apart of the team." Batman sternly instructed. A beam of light started to appear.

"Recognised. Speedy. B03." The computer greets.

"It's Red Arrow." Roy states in a grumpy voice. Great, grumpy Harper's back.

There was a lot of bickering between Oliver and Roy. I couldn't stand it so I walked back to my room, to calm down. The anger fuelling my next moves.

"Tyler?" A familiar voice questioned.

"Wally." I sob, running into his chest, hugging him and crying. He hugs back but  feel him transferring me onto someone taller.

"Hey hey hey. Ty, calm down. What's wrong?" Roy asks. I can't look at him. I push him away and lock myself in my warm room. Running over, a grab my knife and start cutting tally marks on my rough skins. I cried to myself then I feel the knife being released from my grasp. Looking up, I see Dick. Disappointment in his face but he hugs me? I stay in shock.

"D...Don't leave me. P...Please." I pleaded out to him. He nodded and held me tight. I look up at my bucket list

My Bucket List:

- Make my dad proud

- Fall in love

- Know people who care about me

I wanted no one to find out about me self harming. One minute, no on knows the the next, everyone knows. It's annoying. I wanted to be alone. I always wanted to be alone until I met Dick. I didn't know what to do.

"Erm...Tyler?" Artemis asks as she enters. It's just me and her.


"It's pointless to self harm."

"The pain leaves..."

"and engulfs you in more pain."

We start talking...and talking. An hour later, we became the bestest of friends. I left my room to apologise to everyone but the only people there was the team and Roy. Robin hugs me tight and I hug back.

"I was wondering, since I want to apologise, would you lot like to go to Pax with me?" I question. I got a lot of yeps. I grab Robin's hand and I drag him into my room.

"They're dating. Dick broke up with Tyler and Rob took her out for a date." Wally blurted out.

"Wally, fuck off!" I yell from my room. Me and Dick started to book hotel rooms for everyone. I booked four; one for me and Dick, Wally and Roy get one to themselves, Kaldur and Connor can share one the the girls get one to themselves.

"You have a lot of money -" I interrupt Dick.

"Not my money. Stole it off Luthor in Earth 10. He's broke now. Now, I'm Robin Hood with a Nightwing suit. I take from the rich and give to the poor, keeping some for myself." I say. Things might get better after all.

Sorry for the short chapter but I absolutely forgot about that episode so I was trying to remember.

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