A fall of a Grayson

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Still age 9.

(Ty's Pov)

Today was the day! Today, Bruce was taking me and the twins to see Haly's circus. I was looking foreward to see the Flying Graysons, I mean, to study there moves of course.

Quickly, I got dressed into my checkered shirt, black skin tight leggings, beanie and blue converse shoes

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Quickly, I got dressed into my checkered shirt, black skin tight leggings, beanie and blue converse shoes. Also, I slipped my red watch on my wrist.

"Tyler! Hurry up! We're waiting!" Bruce yelled as I grabbed my phone and slid down the hand railing to the ground floor before doing a foreward roll and dashing over to Bruce, grinning.

"You know I was waiting for you to say that." I give him a mischievious smirk. He gives a light chuckle as the twins waddle out towards the limo. Somehow, they try to play tag but I ruined it 'cause I'm evil. Hehe. Picking Dan up and placing him on my shoulders, he swirms around as I laugh.

Bruce gets in the black limo with Alex and I place Daniel in then climb in myself before shutting the door. Alfred starts the engine and the journey begins.

~Le skip of time brought to you by the Winter Hood~

As we arrive, people are walking in. Me and Dan leap out the car and dash inside, followed by a tired Bruce and a hyper Alex.

Taking our seats near the front, Bruce went off for some popcorn. The twins are cutely trying to ask me to explain what's gonna happen.

"Tywer, w...what's gowing to happen?" Dan questions in his adorable voice, I smile and sit him on my lap.

"Well. We are gonna watch some amazing people perform awesome tricks and see some clowns." I replied, hiding the shiver going down my spine. Smiling, he hugs me as Bruce walks back just as the show started.

~another time skip by Red Hood~

It was almost over. The acts were good but....The Flying Graysons are here! My god, the kid is hot! I meaaaaaaan he looks cool. They start performing their daring tricks but I notice the bolts were gone so did the boy and the parents. It went, the wire fell.

"Dick!" The woman shouted as she fell to her death. Gasps escaped the crowds as people watched in horror. Bruce ran off, leaving me with the twins. Once everyone left, the boy was still up there.

"Wait here you two. Dont move from this spot." I say in my stern voice before rushing over and climbing upto the boy.

"I...I can't believe. believe they're gone." He chokes out whilst crying. Tears rolled down my face as I hugged him.

"Everything's alright. I promise you, the cops will find out who did this. My name is Tyler Jones, by the way." I say in reansurance, he smiles sadly as we climb down.

"My name is Richard Grayson, my parents use to call me Dick." He starts sobbing again as I brought him into the hug. Dan and Alex waddled over and they hugged his legs which made him chuckle.

Bruce wandered over, telling Dick that he could spend the rest of his life at the manor if he wanted and he agreed. A smile was placed on my face as I picked Dan up. Dick picked Alex up and we raced back to the car.

~At the Manor~

(Dick Pov)

"Woah....this is huge!" I state with excitement. Alex chuckles as he snuggles into my chest. Guess he's tired but he's adorable!

Jumping out the car, I walked inside with a sleepy Alex. As I said before, it was huge!

Guess this is the start of a new journey in Wayne Manor.

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