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Tyler stood there, fear and frustration filled her eyes. A baby...her brother, about to get tortured, potentially murdered. What was she going to do? Risk saving the life of an innocent life of a child.

The clock struck three. She sighed, knowing this would be the day she would have to save the kid. Again, a shiver ran down her spine as a thought popped into her mind.

"I've got it!" She yelled but whispered so no one could hear. Packing her rucksack with; her phone, escrima sticks, Fallout costume, a knife, her utility belt, handcuffs, her glasses, the letter and a file. Tip toeing towards the window, Tyler took one last breath before opening the window and jumping out.

[Time skip by Deanie Beanie aka Winchester]

A few hours later, five am. Tyler arrived at the base belonging to the Court of Owls. A lump started to form in her throat. She had five hours to retrieve Jesse before Alfred or Dick would tell Bruce. Dan and Alex would tell Dick if they found out.

Tyler's pov!

Sneaking past the security systems, I hack the motion censors! Yes! I casually enter the building but still keeping my guard up. The lights flicker on and off. Great. Another cliché horror scene. Hot oxygen hits my neck, warning me I've been spotted.

Naturally, I flip the guy over and hold him in a breaking position. Boy, was I wrong.

"Shrieking speedster?" I ask embarassingly in which he replies with a grunt. I drop him then hug him, "Barry. Don't do that to me!"

He chuckles as Crimson Archer and Quickshot run around the corner.

"Fallout, what the fuck is the plan!" Quick yells.

"You to shut the hell up! I'm going after my brother. You three perimeter duty." I instructed before standing up and sprinting off, leaving the boys to whine.

[Another time skip cause unnecessary shit]

As I walk upto a locked room, I hear baby cries. Jesse. He's in there. In a reaction of anger and fear, I kicked the door down, flying in. I can fly!

A beautiful baby boy lay in his crib, a day old at least. Picking the bundle of joy up, I fly out of the room, bumping into Scott, Luke and Barry...followed by talons. Great.

We run/fly out the base. I press a detonator, blowing the base up.

"Stupid Talons." I mumble before looking at the baby boy, "Hey kiddo, I'm your older sister Tyler." I smile. I feel like I have a responsibility of being a responsible adult.

[Third time skip by PTV]

Me and Jesse arrive at the manor. I knock on the door. Blood trickling down my face, Alfred opens the door.

"My word! Miss Kent! What happened?! Who did this?! Who's this bundle of joy?" Alfred repeatily questions, my reply was just a smile.

"Threat note from my mother. Court of Owls. My baby old day year old brother, Jesse." I smile. Strolling into the manor, Dick hugs me tight.

"Hey. Don't scare me like that." He scolds me.

"Wouldn't dream of it" I smile. Soon...I would have to face her, face the woman I dare fear. The one who created me. My mother, Reflex...

Sorry I was later with this chapter and it's short. School work got in the way.

Another pick of Jesse Kent.

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