C.A.D.M.U.S. Battle

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Tyler: Age 13

Daniel/Alex: Age 3

Jesse: Age 3 months

I've been away from the manor for two weeks. I managed to travel into the speed force with Barry. We got dragged into the speed force by Zoom aka Hunter Zolomon. I was in there for a week. Barry, however, he's still trapped in there. How could I be so stupid! I should have seen it coming but I was blinded by selfish ambitions.

The second week, I was helping on Earth 6. Bruce activated the "knightfall" protocol and blew up the manor. Great, just what I needed. The batboys needed help with salvaging the batcave as well as the manor. Alfred was gone and no one knew about it. I helped repair the batmobile then had to break up a brotherly argument. Dick said he couldn't drive the batmobile, Jason said that he was too reckless, Tim said he was too careful and Damian was too young.

Then I was the only option. I drove the fucking batmobile! It was cool. You see, the Gotham villains all agree that I drive better than the Batboys. What happened was Deathstroke's vehicle was chasing us, we thought we lost him. We were driving when Slade's vehicle strolls out and stops in the middle of the road. I speed up a building, flipping the car over, something you would see in the movies. Dick was screaming in fear, Jason was enjoying it, Tim was crying and Damian was smiling.

I landed it, spinning the car around whilst firing the blasters. The orange beam of bullets shot the target, disarming Wilson. Unfortunately, I crashed into the GCPD building. That was an earful and a half I got from the Commissioner and Oracle.

I spent the next two days on Earth 10. Cisco needed help, he was close to dying. Critical condition and comatose state. Dick, Wally and Roy were spies, working with the Injustice League. I got beaten up pretty badly on the next day. Evil Barry destroyed eighty-five percent of my heart. Evil Clark threw me around Earth ten and slammed me into Gotham five times.

I went into a coma for three days, only to wake up to being stuck inside the particle accelerator. I managed to escape but I found out that Jason, Tim and Damian were killed by Evil Bruce and Cisco was in a coma...great. I left Earth ten and returned on the same day that the protégés were visiting the Hall of Justice. Thought it would be good to go home. I completed my job.

Present time

I hacked into the Watchtower's database, seeing this "C.A.D.M.U.S. project". Perfect. I needed a mission to get my spirits high. Since I was already in my suit, I grappled silently into a laboratory which was empty.

"Been to long since I was in a lab." I sarcastically whispered. Slowly, I crept around the room until...


A mixture of chemical compounds crash onto the floor, causing a fire. Taking this 'opportunity', I dash out the room to the elevator. Hacking into the systems, the elevator goes down.

"Crap. That was close." I relax myself before coming face to face with what I couldn't believe it. C.A.D.M.U.S. laboratories were alien bases...AWESOME! I mean not cool. Totally not awesome!

Searching around the base, I explored every single spot there was. The fire was probably out by now and I heard talking.

"To be like Superman is a worthy aspiration but like Superman, you deserve a life of your own." A familiar voice calmly spoke. Kaldur! Finally, someone I could recognise. Wait...I thought he was at the Hall of Justice? As I continued to move closer to the location of the voices, I saw Robin. My heart froze in place, seeing him helpless like this. What is wrong with me? Why am I feeling like this?

Ignoring the feeling, I ran stealthily towards a computer, by passing the security systems and firewalls. I download all the data it contained before wiping it fully. The alarms sound when I see Robin run pass but he was coming closer to me, so I hid.

"Uh? That's weird, there's no files. There must be files unless – "

"- Someone deleted them after taking them." Kid Flash interrupted, causing both Aqualad and Robin to glare at him.

"Who would be capable of doing such things?" Kaldur questioned.

I silently gulp before speaking from the shadows.

"The one person who ran away from home, leaving her family and friends behind so that she could protect them. Also, beating KF in a CoD battle." I step out the shadows, a smirk plastered on my face, mirroring Robin's expression. He nods, leaving KF in utter embarrassment, Kaldur in confusion and a familiar person in anger.

"Who are you?" The familiar person yelled the question.

Turning my attention to the person, I answered.

"Name's The Weapon. You're Kon-El, clone of Superman. I know who you are." He is emotionless. I turn to face Kaldur, "You must be Kaldur'am aka Aqualad. Aquaman's protégé."

"Greeting's Weapon." Aqualad politely greets me. Little white creatures run towards us. Whilst the team of young heroes run away, I run towards the creatures. Everything goes quiet, Robin's yells are muffled. Anger fuelled my decision of attacking them.

"Go. Rob, tell my family I love them. Now go!" I ordered as I slam one of the creatures into the wall. Screaming, a shadow forms above me. Gulping I turn around to see a massive blood creature.

"Shit..." I self-consciously say before I'm thrown through multiple stories up onto the ground floor.

"Weapon!" Robin panics and runs towards me. Kon is taking on one of the creature. The support beams collapse as Robin covers me.

Me, Kaldur and Kon throw the rubble out of the way, taking in the oxygen which surrounded the air. Robin and KF look at each other before high fiving then wincing in pain. We look up at the moon. I haven't seen the moon in weeks. We see something flying towards us. Is it a bird? Is it a meteor? No...oh god, dad?!

The rest of the Justice League land in front of us. Gulps go around the group.

"Your orders were to stay at the Hall and not the interfere with League business." Batman darkly states. I hear Robin, Kid Flash and Aqualad gulp. Me, on the other hand, I limp forward. I could feel the fear expressions on the three protégés' faces.

"Actually, it's my business to go on missions such as this. You can't stop me." I growl out, pain clearly showing.

"You have no right! – "Batman yells before I interrupt.

"I have every damn right to know what the missions are for the Justice League! As a League member on Earth 6, I have access to all League files since I was trained by Batman on Earth 6. You want to have an argument with me then fine! I know where my place on this earth is. It's to protect it." My voice had an angered tone to it.

"You should have called!" The Flash interrupts.

"You will not do this again." Batman talks.

"I'm sorry but we will." Aqualad returns.

"Aqualad, stand down." Aquaman instructed.

"Apologies my King, but no." Aqualad disobeys, "We did good work here tonight, the work you trained us to do. Together on our own, we forge something powerful. Important."

"If it's about the treatment at the hall, the three – "The Flash states before Robin interrupts.

"The five of us." Robin and Kid Flash state in unison.

"Why teach them if they're not going to use it?" I state, my anger building up, "It's pointless teaching them something they have learnt and leaving it aside. What will happen when the Justice League falls? Huh?! No one will protect Earth. I stand alone fighting to protect the damn multiverse but I will never be able to save everyone. These protégés will always be here when heroes fall. New ones always rise."

"Why let them tell us what to do? It's simple. Get on board or get outta the way." Kon comments. The five of us face the remaining League members, Batman bat glares us but I return the gesture, shocking most of them.

"So... Are you on board or do I have to make a clearing?" I crack my knuckles, my famous smirk appearing on my petite face.

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