Warped Tour

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(Scott's POV)

We're waiting on Tyler to arrive since she wanted to leave from the studios and since we don't have a tour bus, we're sharing with Black Veil Brides. Tyler's gonna be freaking out if she sees Andy Biersack fucking shirtless! Lol! We'll be recording that. We haven't told her. All she knows is that she'll be running here. Why do I care? 'Cause I love her.

(Tyler's POV)

As I sprint down the street with my rucksack and suitcases, I bump into Barry!

"Yo, help with these bags." I instruct him before he quickly nods, grabbing my lighter suitcase and running with me. We managed to make it to the studios in time to find a jealous Luke and Scott, "You two okay? You seem reeeeally jealous?" I tease, making them blush tomato red. They help me put my two red and black suitcases onto the BVB bus? What??? Then the penny dropped. We're gonna be on the BVB tour bus for two months.

"You four ready?" Andy asks with a small smirk on his sculptured face. As I was about to speak, I heard mini squeals coming from behind me. Turning around, I see Dan, Alex, Dick, Alfred and Bruce walking up to me. I smile, hugging the two year old twins.

"Good wuck, sissy!" They both yell, earning Andy and Ashley to laugh. Dick hugs me and I hug back, suddenly feeling a small spark between us...What's going on?

"Good luck, Ty. Hope you enjoy it. Call every night. I know Roy would like to talk to you every night." Dick smugly states as I blush. He lets go, giving Alfred and Bruce a chance to hug me. A tear appears in Bruce's eyes which was shocking. We waved at them as we poured onto the tour bus then we drove off. There wasn't enough bunks so I had my own, Scott and Luke shared, Jinxx and Jake shared too.

"Dibs on the bottom bunk!" I darted towards the bottom bunk at the end, claiming it as mine. Andy dibs the bunk above mine which made me blush and my band get angry, jealousy faces. I quickly called Roy to let him know I'm safe. To be honest, I haven't talked to him since my minor crush on him.

Roy: Hello? Harper speaking.

Ty: (Guy's voice) Hello Mr. Harper, give us $1,000,000 then you can see Miss Jones again.

Both bands held in their laughter.

R: Where the hell is she?!?! I swear to god that you'll die if you lay a finger on the love of my life!!!

Everyone heard that. There was a lot of cat calls, resulting in Roy staying silent.

T: Hey...that was me. I love you too.

I smile, he finally admitted it. There was a lot of wolf whistling which made me blush madly.

R: Tyler! I was gonna ask you to be mine but you left as I arrived! Will you be mine?

T: Yes! Yes I would love to!

Cheers surrounded the bus but I noticed that Scott, Luke and Barry were gone. Why?

r: Look, I know you'll be busy but call or text me every night babe. I love you, bye!

With that, he hung up. Andy started recording at the start of the call so he caught all of it up. Giving him a death glare, I playfully punched him and he snickers a bit.

(Time skip to the last Warped Tour gig which is in Gotham City)

As the Warped Tour arrived at their final destination, Gotham City, Tyler was waiting nervously in her bunk. Sweat dripped off her face as they drove through Gotham, thinking it was right, she called Bruce.

"Hello? Bruce speaking. Who is it?" Bruce questions through the phone.

"I'm surprised that you haven't saved my caller ID, Bruce." I smile through the phone.

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