Chapter 1: Star Crossed

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I purposely took my sweet time putting my books into my locker and packing my bag as I watched Jared, my twin brother, in amusement. Beside me stood my best friend Manuel, who preferred to be called Manny, who was more invested than I was. He lived for the drama. If he could have pulled out a chair and a bag of popcorn then he would have.

Jared was flirting with Madeline Pierce, one of the prettiest girls in school. She was a year younger than us and had almost every guy chasing her. Too bad she turned them all down. That list included my brother, which was a big shock since he was the golden boy of the school. He was "so damn hot" according to almost every girl in this school with his warm brown eyes and messy auburn hair. Not to mention he was also the star quarterback of the football team. Manny always reminded me of his hotness, disturbing to have your best friend attracted to your brother. The only thing that kept me sane was that I knew that unlike Manny, my brother was straight.

There was look of desperation in Jared's face. Madeline was sure giving him a hard time even though I could see the way she looked at him in admiration. Madeline was now walking away as my brother looked after her in despair. They were a living music video.

Poor Jared.

"Ouch," said Manny. "I felt that, did you feel that?"

I closed my locker, throwing my bag over my shoulder. "I did. My twinstincts are tingling, I'm going to go check on him."

Having a girl turn him down, more specifically Madeline turn him down had to be hard on him.

"See you later babe," Manny said with a wave. We called each other babe, it was our thing. It was weird to others, but it worked in its own way. I gave him a hug before making my way towards Jared. My brother seemed to snap out his daze before looking at me with a sad expression.

"Hey sis."


He ignored me and kept on sulking as he walked away. I really hated being ignored, no matter what the situation. I let out an annoyed sigh before following him outside to "his" car. It was supposed to be our car from our parents, but Jared would never let me touch it. Men, right?

I slammed the door behind me getting in the car with him. As soon as my butt touched the seat I was already yelling at him.  "What is wrong with you?"

This boy was always over dramatic and the people around us made it worse by going along with it, encouraging his melodramatic side. Not me though, I slapped him with the truth every time. Something about being family, no matter how hard it was, in the end we always had each other's backs. Even it meant giving them hell for it.

"I think she's the one Liv," he said as he turned on the ignition.

I let out a loud laugh earning a dark look from him. I slapped a hand over my mouth trying to stifle my laugh. Dear god, this wasn't a joke. "You were serious? But you barely know her!"

He let out a scoff like he couldn't believe I said that. "That's because I've never had a chance. If I could get with her then I know that she'd be the one."

I rolled my eyes at his over dramatic-ness. "And what is the big reason why Madeline doesn't go out with anyone?"

Madeline has never dated no boy or girl ever. It was not like she never got asked out, she was probably the girl who's been asked out the most in the whole school, she has just never dated.

"Because she doesn't go on any dates unless her brother gives them his blessing," he explained in an exasperated tone as if I was already supposed to know that. I did not.

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