Chapter 13: Photobooth

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Karter and I had managed to escape the jungle gym, sneaking back to Madeline waiting for Harley to tire out. Harley finally emerged, her cheeks pink and the roots of her hair starting to sweat. Maddy was ready with a bottle of water as if she was used to this.

"I saw a photo booth in the corner, want to go in?" Maddy asked Harley who nodded her head enthusiastically. She grabbed Madeline's hand who took us to the photobooth.

Maddy went in first and put Harley on her laps, Karter went in after them. There were no spaces left. I didn't mind, let them have their family moment.

Maddy tilted her head to look at me. "Come on, get in."

"There's no space, it's fine. Take a family picture," I told them.

Maddy frowned. "We'll make space."

"How?" I furrowed my brows.

She smirked. "You can sit on Karter."

"What?" Both Karter and I gasped together.

"Yay!" Harley cheered thinking I was about to join their picture.

"I'm sure you wouldn't mind," she looked at Karter with a mischievous smile. In return, he turned a deep shade of red. She turned her gaze back to me. "I'm not taking no for an answer. Or I'll make Harley sing Let It Go nonstop for the next week."

Karter looked horrifyingly at his smirking sister. Oh god, not that song. I did not argue further and went to sit on Karter's lap. He tensed up immediately as I squirmed in his laps. It was very tight in here. Suddenly very hot. Karter put one hand on my hip and the other on my knee. Either Karter's hands were very hot or my skin was having a reaction.

"Is this fine?" He asked, his breath hitting my neck. I peered up to look at him only to loose my breath at the proximity. My heart was beating erratically. If we were any closer our noses would be touching. From here I could see the storm in his sea green eyes perfectly. They were really beautiful.


"Okay kissy faces next!" Maddy said making Harley giggle. I quickly turned away from Karter and looked at the screen making a duck face. Karter looked at the screen with a dazed expression. I squished his cheeks with one hand forcing his lips to pucker. His eyes widened before he scowled.


"Okay hurry silly faces," Maddy said. I stuck my tongue out and crossed my eyes. A few seconds later a flash went off.

"Last one! All point at Harley!" she said. I pointed at Harley with a big smile on my face to match hers.


It was over. I slid off Karter's laps going outside fanning myself on the face. God it was hot in there. Karter stepped out next red in the face followed by the smiling Harley then Maddy. She went towards the slot pulling out the two copies of the photo strips. Maddy smirked as she looked at them.

"They're nice. Here Liv, you can have one. Karter you can have the other," she said with a mischievous smile on her face. Maddy has been acting weird today. I took one of the films and looked at the pictures. In the first picture, Karter and I were looking at each other. My cheeks turned red just looking at the picture. It looked so... intimate. From a strangers point of view, you would think we were in love. I think Maddy was pulling a Jared move and playing Cupid.

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