Chapter 22: Homecoming

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I could see Karter's expression contort to discomfort as he starred at the dancing student body. Maybe we should ease into dancing, wait a little while. Jared and Maddy were already surrounded by their group of friends who were clearly congratulating them. I could see Manny there too looking handsome in his well fitted suit and hair styled to perfect. He had brought a date from another school, a shy looking blonde boy.

Manny met my eye and I gestured to his date telling him I approve of his choice. He gave me a confident smirk telling me he knew well. Then his eyes shot to Karter and an amused look crossed his face. I could read his expression perfectly: good luck. We were going to need it.

"How about we start with drinks?" I asked him.

He nodded his head. "I could do that."

I watched him walk to the punch bowl where a teacher stood watching for potential spikers. I could see the teacher's eyes widen in shock at Karter being here and maybe a little fear from all the rumors about him.

Karter came back giving me my cup of punch. I gave him a thankful smile, but he didn't seem to notice as he looked around. He really was not liking this.

We found a place to sit on the gym bleachers. Karter's eyes found Maddy observing how Jared was acting around her. He was still respectful, his hand not dipping any lower than her waist.

"They're good Karter," I reminded him. He scoffed not looking convinced.

"I'll be the judge of that," he said.

"Do you think they'll win homecoming king and queen?" I asked him trying to steer the conversation away.

"Probably, this school has been fanning over Jared the moment he stepped it's grounds," Karter said sounding very unimpressed. True that.

"And Maddy."


This made me laugh. "Ease up sourpuss."

Karter groaned rubbing his face with his hands. "I'm ruining all this, aren't I?"

I grabbed his forearm, giving him a light squeeze. "You're here aren't you, that's enough for me."

His eyes softened before pulling my hand to his lips.

We looked back at the crowd. I pointed to a girl in my Lit class. "Wow, look at her dress."

Karter shrugged.

"Come on, entertain me, who's best dressed?" I asked, my eyes roaming the student body.

"You," he said, his eyes roaming me from head to toe making me feel like a diamond.

I ignored my growing blush. "Come on, someone else."

Karter shrugged. "Haven't noticed anyone else."

I knew he wasn't trying to be romantic, it was his blunt opinion.

"Do you dance Karter?" I asked him. Clearly people watching was not going to happen. Maybe he was embarrassed to dance. Maybe that's why he still had not asked me yet.

He grunted. "I've been to enough cousin's weddings and forced enough times by my family to dance to pass as okay."

This made me tip my head back in laughter. Karter's scowl seemed to ease with that. Okay, so he did dance. Good.

"Okay twinkletoes, show me what you're made of," I teased. This made Karter smile before putting his hand out of me to take. I took it and followed him to the dance floor. People moved out of the way, all gawking at him. It really was not normal to see Karter at anything other than his classes. His previous smile dropped as he realized.

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