Chapter 4: Reccomendation

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I couldn't believe I was actually going to research how to force a friendship. I kept this a secret from Manny, he would probably die of laughter at me. I could expect him making memes out of me. Jared kept hinting of exposing that picture making my time very limited. I was officially desperate. I walked into the library and head towards the librarian who smiled at me politely. "How can I help you hon?"

This was so embarrassing! Just go home Livia! Don't say it, don't-- "Do you have anything on how to get over unrequited friendships?"

The librarian gave me a funny look before typing something on the keyboard in front of her. Squinting her eyes at the computer, she wrote something on a pack of yellow sticky notes before ripping one off and handing it to me. "Good luck."

I gave her a small smile before going to the fiction section as written on the paper. I picked up a few books reading the synopsis before carrying a small pile to a single couch on the side. Placing the books on the coffee table in front of me, I picked up the first book titled "Befriending My Enemy" and began reading through it. I couldn't believe I was actually doing this. I have reached an all time desperation.

"Livia?" A deep voice erupted from behind me.

I let out a squeal as the book in my hand went flying somewhere in the room. Throwing my hands to my chest that felt like it might explode, I turned to the person that scared the life out of me.

My jaw fell in shock. "W-what are you doing here?"

Karter's eyes narrowed down on me, crossing his hands in front of his chest. "I should be asking you the same thing. Are you following me to all my jobs now?"

"J-job?" My eyes widened. "You work here?"

He had two jobs?

He eyed me carefully before sighing as if accepting something. "So you didn't know?"

"No... I was..." I looked around for the book I was reading. I found it on the floor near the bookshelf behind Karter. "... reading."

Karter picked up the book and examined it with a weird look on his face. "Seriously? Not enough friends at the cool table?"

"I-uh..." Am very embarrassed? "...was bored."

Looking unimpressed, Karter handed me back my book. "If you need an actual good book recommendation I will be somewhere between the aisles."

I took the book from Karter with a shocked expression. Did he just offer help?

"Don't look at me like that, it's part of the job," he shrugged as if it was no big deal. "Plus, your sense in books sort of sucks."

I watched him turn around and start pushing a book cart. It so wasn't part of the job to recommend books. Was this his gesture of kindness? I was so going to stretch this out. I threw "Befriending My Enemy" on top of my book pile before running after him.

Karter was putting a book on the shelf when I got there. He was back in his tattered black sweater but his dark hair was up in a man bun. I think I've come to the conclusion that I really like the way his face looked.

Karter seemed to have noticed me from the corner of his eye when he said, "is there a reason you are following me?"

"Y-yes," I managed to get out. Why did he always make me feel so small when he spoke to me? "I'd like to take you up on that book recommendation?"

Karter looked surprised that I had actually asked for the recommendation even though he had offered.

"I-- uh-- oh... sure," he stammered. I bit my lip to keep myself from giggling. His stammering was sort of cute. It was a change from his seriousness... I liked it.

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