Chapter 12: Ice Cream

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I had my feet kicked up on the arm of the couch and my head on Manny's laps. Jared had our group of friends over, we had ordered pizza and we're watching the game. A few had tried asking me about Karter like they have been for the past few weeks, but Jared shut them up and told them to butt out of my business. I couldn't be more grateful, but I did have a mouthful ready if they wanted to say something bad about my new friend.

"Get in the picture Liv," Rachel called as a few were taking a selfie.

"Not really feeling my look," I lied as I stayed in my comfy position. My phone vibrated on my stomach. I picked it up looking at the caller ID, it was Karter. A smile crossed my face as I stood up and went to the kitchen for some privacy.

"Hey," I answered breathlessly.

"Did I catch you at a bad time?" He asked, sounding slightly nervous. "Sounds loud where you are."

"No, no!" I said a little too quickly. "I needed a little break."



Karter was silent for a bit. I wondered if I had lost reception. Before I could check, I heard a small squeaky voice.

"Come on! Ask her!"

It sounded like a child.


Karter sighed tiredly. "What are you doing Sunday?"

"You mean tomorrow?" I asked. "Nothing yet. Why?"

"It's Harley's birthday and she wants you to go out with us," he said.

Oh god... will there be other kids as well? Harley snuck her way past my anti children barrier, but I didn't know about the others.

I could hear Harley in the back. "What did she say? Karter! What did she say?!"

I felt guilty. I couldn't say no to this girl.

I laughed at the little girl. "Tell Harley I wouldn't miss it for the world."

I could hear Karter sigh in relief. I think a small part of him still thought I was a heartless brat.

"She's coming Harley, you can stop pulling my shirt now," I heard him tell her.

"Yes! Yes! Yes! The gummy bear princesses reunite!" She cheered, making me burst into laughter. This girl was crazy.

"Thanks Livia, I'll see you tomorrow then," he said before ending the call.

I went back to the family room, sitting back in my original position. Manny nudged my side. I turned my head to look at him only to find a small smirk. "Sneaking off to talk to Karter?"

"No!" I scoffed. "It's just too loud in here."

"Sure," he wiggled his brows suggestively.

I hit his arm making him throw his head back in laughter.

"What did he want?" Manny asked curiously, the gleam in his eyes shining.

"If you must know, his little sister was inviting me to go out with them tomorrow for her birthday," I said.

"Sure... his sister," he gave me suggestive look.

After my twenty questions day with Karter, Manny has been teasing me nonstop about it. He confirmed my thoughts on Karter's hotness, proving I still had some taste. Of course after my hour with Karter, I caught him up on what happened. I told him about Karter's sweet side without exposing his dark past. It was Karter's story to tell not mine. Karter and I have been hanging out more. I think he finally trusted me as his friend. We'd sometimes stay up late talking on the phone or texting. Manny has a theory that Karter and I are blindly in love, but I was sure we haven't reached that stage yet. I mean, we just became good friends. After spending that hour with Karter, it really brought us closer. We shared things with each other we have never shared with anyone before. I just felt comfortable being around him.

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