Chapter 23: Trial/ EPILOGUE

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I felt like my heart would either jump out of my chest or that my hand would break. Either from me squeezing Karter's hand or his hard grip on mine as we sat in the court room.

I could see his father.

Karter looked a lot like him. It's clear where he got most his features from. But his father looked different than the pictures they had at home. The once smiling man looked like he had gone through hell and come back. Not to mention the bandage he had wrapped around his hand or the fading bruise on his face.

The only soft thing about that man was the look in his eyes when he saw his son.

The lawyer was on fire. My parents were right, he was talented. We all held our breathes waiting for the judges final statement.

"Based on the circumstances shown to me in court and Mr. Murphy's previous history, I grant the defendant parole...." the judge gave his verdict but I could not hear the rest. My whole body was buzzing. I met Karter's eyes, his hand tightening its hold. Happiness. Behind those unshed tears was happiness.

"Congratulations," I managed to get the words out of my mouth. Karter was speechless. He just nodded his head looking back at his father. Soon. They were to be reunited soon.

His father looked at Karter with a wide smile and a tear fallen down his cheek. My heart was about to break. Life was suddenly so much more than what to wear to homecoming or who you were dating. Karter showed me that.

Sometimes, even after hell there was a happily ever after. We had found ours.


5 years later

The smell of barbecue filled the air. I sat with Harley on the lawn as she told me about her crush on this boy in her class. She didn't want her brother to know. Karter and I moved in to an apartment not too far from his childhood home and our jobs. We made sure we always found time for family.

I met Karter's eye from across the lawn where he stood next to his father on the grill. I found that I liked his father. Despite what he's gone through, his heart was still warm. Karter smiled at me, but I could tell something was up. He had been edgy the past few weeks. I had tried confronting him about it, but he shook it off. Blamed it on a case or his boss being a pain.

Maddy was talking to her boyfriend of two years, Daniel. They met at a coffee shop and they just clicked unlike her and Jared. Although they still remain very close friends, they just did not work out with the long distance and Jared opening up his own restaurant.

"Hurry up before they get cold!" Their dad called from the grill. I hoped off the grass dusting my sun dress before walking with Harley to the table. Daniel swatted a fly with a rolled up magazine which had Harley complaining.

"Hey! Don't get that dirty! It has the Justin Garner piece! They don't always take shirtless pictures of him!" She complained. It was Karter's worst nightmare, his sister had grown up.

Karter growled. "I told you not to read that crap."

"Hey!" I frowned. "My best friend writes those."

Manny took his love for gossip to whole other level and got a job writing for one of the most notorious magazines.

Karter clamped his lips but I could tell he was not happy.

Their father laughed at us like he usually did. "Harley... Karter... what did I say about banter on the table?"

"Yeah... whatever... sorry," Karter grumbled not sounding sincere whatsoever but it was the best they were going to get. Harley stuck her tongue at him. I grabbed his hand under the table trying to keep this evening as happy as possible.

"Harley," Maddy warned this time. "He's still your older brother."

Her shoulders slumped as she mumbled under her breath. "Sorry."

Their father smiled, happy with the peace between them. "Now, who would like to start with something good that happened to them this week."

It was a tradition their father made after getting released. That way he felt he was not missing a part of his children's lives.

Harley perked. "Oh! I got an A on my science test. It was the highest in the class."

Her father smiled proudly. "That's amazing sweetheart. I am so proud of you."

She beamed with happiness.

Maddy spoke next. "We were thinking of adopting a dog."

Daniel nodded with a smile. "We get a lot of poor pups at the shelter."

"That's really sweet," I told them my heart swelling. More animals needed to be adopted.

They all looked at Karter. He sucked a deep breath in. "I may or may not be engaged."

My eyes widened and everyone gasped. Karter got up from his seat and leaned down on one knee holding a little black box containing a beautiful diamond ring. I think my heart was about to stop. "Livia Murphy, you are the most beautiful and kind hearted person I have had the privilege of knowing. You are the person I want to see every morning and every night for the rest of my life. And I know you are uncomfortable around children, but I cannot think of a more perfect woman to raise my kids. You are just so filled with goodness and I am lucky to have that in my life. What I'm trying to say is that I cannot imagine my life without you and would love to share the rest of it with you. Livia Murphy, will you marry me?"

I couldn't stop the tears from falling down my cheeks. A hand was pressed against my lips to keep me from bursting into sobs. I nodded my head holding out my shaking hand to him. "Yes. A million times yes."

Karter slid the ring along my finger. It was a perfect fit. He stood up and I wrapped my arms around him and kissed him with everything I had. A wide smile stretched his lips as he wiped the tears from my eyes with his thumb.

"I love you," he said, his eyes showing me the true meaning behind those three words.

"I love you too," I whispered. My chest still feeling like it was about to explode.

What started as a threat to get two souls to be together ended up leading me to being with the man I loved with every part of me.

I somehow learned how to deal with Karter.

The End!


That is unfortunately the end! I kept it sweet and simple. I want to thank you all for all your support! You've all been amazing!

I have a few projects coming out soon that I am excited to share! So stay tuned!

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Love ya!


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