Chapter 7: Truce

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I followed Karter to Momo's, sitting in an empty booth. Karter went into the kitchen and came out with a piece of chocolate cake before putting it in front of me and sitting across from me on the other side of the booth. He crossed his arms in front of me and just stared at me with calculating eyes.

My hands started to sweat nervously. Was I supposed to start?

"I can't seem to figure you out," Karter finally spoke.

"How so?" I asked, picking up the fork and taking a bite of my cake. Karter eyed my movement making eating uncomfortable.

"You weren't supposed to be like this," he sighed tiredly rubbing the spot between his eyes.

"Be like what?" I asked confused.

Was he having a conversation on his own? Does he even know I am here?

"You're different than how I thought you would be," he said with a neutral face, not giving off any emotion.

What on earth is that supposed to mean?

I bit my lip nervously. "Is that a bad thing?"

He stared at me for a moment, as if analyzing me. "No, I think it's a good thing."

"Oh," I smiled a small smile. I think Karter just complimented me.

Karter leaned his arms on the table, a sad look on his face. "I think maybe I should apologize, but only for one thing."

I didn't know whether to be happy or mad.

One thing only?

I raised a brow challenging him. "Oh really? And what's that?"

"You were right, I shouldn't have judged you so easily. You just don't fit the stereotype," he said casually.

"The stereotype?"

I didn't realize I belonged to a stereotype.

"You know? The pretty rich popular kids," he shrugged.

I realized two things:

One: Karter thought I was pretty.

Two: hanging out with good looking popular kids did not help me.

Karter thought I was pretty.

I didn't know why, but it made me happy.

"The only reason I hang out with them is because my brother and my best friend are a part of their group. I am okay with the rest but we are not really close friends," I was counting out the facts on my fingers. "Two, my parent's bank account has nothing to do with who I am as a person."

He put his hands up in surrender. "Okay, well maybe that is true. I just have a bad history with that group of people. So I am apologizing for judging you, I should know better since I am constantly in your shoes."

That hit a sore spot. My group of "friends" were the people who ruined Karter's school rep. They were always the ones teasing him, spreading rumours, occasionally starting a fight with him. I've tried telling them to stop at times, but it was no use, they only shrugged me off. Jared wouldn't do anything to stop them, in fact he joined them. Manny kept quiet, I felt like a part of him was always scared of any homophobic back lash. I was a single voice that was not changing anything. I would hate them too if I was in his shoes, sometimes I do.

"Don't give me that face, I am used to it," he shrugged realizing my pitying expression.

"I never believed them," I said quietly. "The rumours. I don't believe rumours until I see them."

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