Day Seven: Unexpected Occurence

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My head was ringing, sharply, painfully. My eyes open ever so slowly, the morning sunlight worsened my headache. I sat up and groaned in pain. I tried to stretch but to little success. My throat was sore and my forehead burned. I am full blown sick. I flopped out of my bed, crawled over to the home phone in the kitchen and rang up the school's number. 

"Hello!", Angie's voice rang loud and clear, forcing me to wince at the sudden spike of pain in my ear. I put the phone back onto my ear and said through a hoarse voice, "Hey Angie...I'm calling in sick today. Could ya let my teachers know?" 

A silence came and stayed for longer than I thought it would, only broken by Angie softly saying "Okay". I hung up and shuffled over to the cabinet and got a can of beef stew. I got the pot for it and set it to simmer, because I wasn't particularly hungry at the moment. I sat in a nearby chair and placed one my hands on my forehead, trying to use my powers to help cool me down, but it didn't work. My nose burned and itched, I squinted and inhaled deeply, and with a loud "Achoo!"

Sniffling and coughing kept me from sleeping at all for hours. I looked at my clock as it chimed half past two. I sighed and took a spoonful of beef stew. A solid knock was heard on my door, to which I stood and lumbered to my bed. Grabbing a blanket and wrapping myself in it, I headed to the door and opened it slowly, to see Angie standing, a shopping bag in hand she smiled, "Heard you need a nurse today." 

She came in, much to my confusion and partial delight and started to empty her bag on the kitchen table. An assortment of medicine, sports drinks, instant ramen, and some ingredients for curry and rice. I waddled to the kitchen and finished my stew. Angie tied on an my apron and pulled her hair back into a ponytail. "Go on now, shoo! You're the sick one here. Get some rest you idiot.", Angie said sweetly with a grin. I sighed and sat on my bed with a groan. "Hey, you alright with this?... Being in my room while I'm sick and all?...", I asked, staring at the ceiling. There was no answer from her, only the clanging and hissing of a chef focused on their craft.

I smiled softly, but soon shook it from my face. I was not sure why asking such a question would make someone smile. Another sneeze crept up on me just as I rolled onto my stomach. My back was killing me. Pain on just about every inch of it. I groaned as I stretched, but I tensed up in surprise as a warm pair of hands gently pressed into the low of my back. "I figured that you would need one... was I right?", Angie's hands thoroughly worked as she questioned me. I simply nodded and held back moaning in pleasure. The warmth that radiated from her was not natural, it was hotter than a normal human's. For some time I could feel like I was truly melting away, my eyelids got heavy, a smile crept along my face. I glanced at the clock, it read three o'clock.

I opened my eyes and looked at the clock as it read a quarter to four. I sat up slowly and stretched. My fever was down a bit and my aches and sneezing didn't happen as often as before. I stepped out of my bed and into the kitchen. The sounds of a person cooking furiously was present from the start, and I was happy that Angie was still here. She set down a ladle and a wooden rice spoon before placing a plate of curry and rice on the counter. I wrapped my arms around her waist and hugged her tightly. "Thanks Angie... for doing this." She sighed in a sort of happy way and caressed my cheek. "Idiot... I'm doing this because I... I own reasons..."

The air in the room stilled. 'What kind of reasons?...'  Was the first thought in my mind. It was strange, but I had a thought of what she meant. I decided to play the fool for now. I giggled and pat her head, slowly releasing her. I felt her grasp tighten on my arm and heard a faint, "Just a little longer..." I felt the blood rush to my cheeks, then I kept holding onto her. We stayed still and enjoyed the moment as the clock chimed the arrival of four o'clock. Angie sighed in annoyance and wiggled out of the hug.

"I gotta go now Nirvana... otherwise my sis will start to worry." I nodded and smiled. "Wouldn't want that to happen would we?", I added sarcastically. She giggled and grabbed her things, then walked to the door. We said our final goodbyes, along with a few more hugs for the road and off she went. I headed back inside and sat in front of the meal she made. I took a spoonful of it and savored the spicy flavor. I only took the one bite because my appetite still had not returned. I put the rest into Tupperware and placed that into the fridge. Plopped back onto my bed and rolled back and forth, just thinking over everything that happened. I relaxed soon enough and lied still. Just as I was drifting off to sleep, a loud knock came from the front door. I sat up once again and answered the door. There I saw the headmaster of the school, and she looked pissed. Her rage-filled glare was undoubtedly for me. That's when I saw a familiar face behind her. The girl form my work, Chiyo I believe.... Oh crap, I think I know what this is entailing already.

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