Day Four: A Date, Fights, and Confusion

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I sat under the clock in the square for what seemed like hours. My blue jacket hid my face, which was red from blushing. Why did I act like that last night?..... I am usually so shy and quiet,.... AND WHY DID I KISS HER?!?!

When I just thought about the word kiss my face burned bright again. I looked at my watch, 9:58..... she is about to be late, guess I shouldn't have come twenty minutes early. I sit down on the the nearby concrete wall and took off one of my gloves, starting to make a snowflake and make it dance between my hands. A child and her mother saw me doing this and stared at the rare moment, and slowly walked over.

"Hey, mister... how are you doing that?", the little girl asked. I stopped and smiled at her, "It's a magic trick." I made the flake float over to her and she held it in her palm, she giggled and tried to do what I did before it melted. The mother stood there smiling at her daughter, but when she looked at me she acted a bit concerned, as though she thought I was in emotional pain. "Excuse me, but are you alright?" she asked gingerly. I stood up and only nodded to her question, I looked at my watch again... 10:07, She is late.

The mother was persistent in questioning me, then she asked me why I was wearing a hood in early Autumn. I just simply stated that I am too shy to let my face be seen by multiple people at once. I thought that would get her to move along.... once again wrong. She pulled down my hood going on about how in order to rid ourselves of a phobia then we need to embrace it. Then she got a good look at me, and fell silent. her face started to brighten, and she kept staring. I flipped my hood back on and she snapped out of her trance. 10:16, I hope she is alright.

The mother and daughter eventually walked away and once again I sat there waiting for Miu who is now thirty minutes late. Jeez I wonder what is keeping her? From behind I hear people talking about a shy girl who keeps talking about how she should come to a meeting spot.... Oh boy. I head to where the rumors all point, and sure enough there she stood flustered and trying to appear impressive. She is wearing a white blouse, cream over jacket, a pink skirt, black dress shoes, and a small purse. Her make up was very light and hair curled into long strands of amber.

I sneak behind her, slide my hands around her waist and whispered, "Isn't it rude to keep your date waiting?" She jumped when she was touched but calmed down when she realized it was just me teasing her. I look off my jacket entirely wrapping it around my hips. I wore a simple black tank top and jeans with white Vans. My ash white hair covered one of my eyes, and barely touched the headset I hung on my neck. She looked at me in awe, fidgeting with her purse, she walked close to me and hesitated to hold my arm.

I held out my hand, and she smiled gently as though she was relieved of a great burden. Taking it and grasping it tightly she seemed calm. We began to walk through the city, looking for the first thing that caught our eyes. She stopped in front of a clothing store... Oh, I can already see how this will turn out...

We walked inside and from wall to wall was nothing but girl clothing, from bathing suits to winter coats, you name it was there. She started pulling me through the store, excited and energetic. I on the other hand was blushing and trying not to act like a complete idiot. We finally stopped in front of... of all places, the bathing suit aisle. She started to rummage through each one looking for I guess what she would think I would like. She grabbed quite a few in one hand, and guided me with the other. I say in front of the changing rooms for a while, then she pulled her head out. "Are you ready?...", She managed to squeak, before stepping into the open.

The first one she tried one was a one piece, colored purple with ice blue in a fiery pattern. It was very complimenting to her personality. I smiled and clapped a little, "That actually looks really good on you." Her face burst into a bright red, quickly she scrambled back into the booth to get the next one on. Suddenly I could feel eyes piercing at me, so I turned my head slightly to see who was staring. It was.... R-RIKO?! Of all the places why here? Oh boy this isn't gonna end pretty if she finds out I'm on a date.

"Nirvana? Is that you over there?", Riko asked. Well I'm boned now, might as well roll with it and try to get out this problem somehow. I cocked my head back, "Who wants to know?" I heard a gasp which was followed by quick footsteps. Suddenly I felt arms around me and her full weight upon my back, almost knocking me over. "It's Riko, remember me?" I chuckled and nodded yes. She let go and walked in front of me, bending down.... I just now realized she is wearing a low-cut shirt and skirt. She sat down next to me and started talking about different subjects, that's when Miu came out of the booth this time in a two piece bikini colored a very lite purple, accompanied with white stripes.

Miu realized that someone else was talking to me, so when she got Riko's attention I knew all Hell was about to break loose. "Excuse me, but why are you talking to my date?!", Miu asked fiercely. Riko looked at her, then back at me in shock, then it settled into a forced grin. "Oh, I didn't know... I just thought he was helping his mother with shopping." Miu snapped at her and Riko kept firing back insults and comebacks. The other customers started to take notice, and headed over to see what was going on. I was trying to separate the two, but now I had to divert attention away as well. So as a last ditch effort, I went to an air duct, took off one of my gloves and held onto it. I could hear the fans starting to slow down and eventually stop, then... cracking. I stepped back to the fight, they finally stopped and were looking frantically for something.

"There you are Nirvana!", Riko and Miu shouted in unison, followed by me getting tackled and pinned to the floor by both of them. "Oh, sorry I was trying to find a water fountain." We all got up, the two of them went to get Miu's things and I apologized for the trouble. That's when we all heard a loud bang. I ran back to where I sabotaged an air duct, it was now spraying out mist of the crack, there was barely any ice left. I took my jacket and placed it over the open section of the duct and told everyone to stand back and for someone to shut off the air conditioning.

After that, I waited outside the shop for Miu, and was boy I surprised. Riko and Miu left the shop both saying "agreed" then turned to me with big grins on their faces. "Well shall we continue?", I asked politely. Miu nodded, and grabbed my left arm. Suddenly I felt someone else grab my right arm.... Sure enough it was Riko, so this is what they agreed to... Not expecting this.

Jeez, weren't we a sight to behold. A boy escorting to girls who occasionally played tug-of-war, with me as the rope. Trust me I got envious and hateful looks from both men and women alike. This dragged on through the rest of the date... Oh but the next surprise was a real shocker. A large group of thugs approached me and my da- I guess it's dates now.... Anyway the spokes person stated,"Hey buddy you think we can get some of that action there?" Then he pulled out a switchblade, the others started to pull out baseball bats, brass knuckles and all types of melee weapons. Miu and Riko started to get scared but were ready to fight if necessary. I looked at them and nodded to a stack of oil drums, telling them to hide there.

This was gonna suck... for them not me. I grabbed the thug immediately to my left and threw him into three others that started to charge me, they tumbled down cursing and getting enraged. I stood still, unmoving, just glaring...and I took off my gloves.

Cracking my knuckles, I stayed still, waiting for them to come at me. One came at me with a metal baseball bat, swinging it around like a frenzied psycho. I dodged his attacks, then countered by grabbing the handle, chilling it to where it started to burn his hands. He screamed in pain and relinquished the weapon almost immediately, to which I gladly took liberation of. I snapped it downward, keeping hold of it, forcing the ice to serrate the bat in an icy fashion. The remaining thugs started to back off slowly. All I had to do was glare in their general direction to send them screaming in the opposite direction. Riko and Miu dashed to me and held me close, positively ready to explode with tears and kisses... kind of cliché if you ask me, but I wasn't going to let free kisses go to waste. 

Well with that ordeal out of the way, were going to finish the date at movie theater, but the two had another idea, which involved a private room. JUST MY LUCK!

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