Day Eight: Melting Fast

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Well, I can only say that this is getting more like an annoyance to me. I'm sick and tired, but I have to endure the oncoming shit storm. That being said, the Headmaster of the school is in my room along with her daughter, both drinking some tea that I had brewed out of respect. However the atmosphere is anything, but friendly. I felt the dagger of anger the Headmaster kept glaring into me. I sat on my bed and grabbed a tissue for my nose, waiting for someone to say anything.

"So... Why did you violate my daughter?", the headmaster asked through tight lips. My eyes widened and my mouth dropped open. "Why did I what?!", I repeated through a stuffed nose. Chiyo avoided eye contact all together, yet I noticed that her cheeks were rosier than a normal person's should. I looked back to Headmaster, whom was waiting for an answer, immediately. "Ma'am I believe  you were misinformed to an outrageous extent. Your daughter and another person, whom I can only assume is a friend of her's were hiding in the backroom of the restaurant I work at. The most I did was simply to leave the premises, nothing more."

The Headmaster's expression softened slightly. Her head swiveled to Chiyo, whom was fidgeting in a corner, avoiding any and all eye contact. Guess she can't pull the 'High and Mighty' card now. "Care to explain yourself, Chiyo Aurora Kuronuma?", the Headmaster sounded out for blood rather than answers at this point. Chiyo refused to speak at all, Hell she barely moved at all! Honestly this was pretty gratifying to watch. The Headmaster turned back to me and sighed softly, "What shall her punishment be then?...." 

I shrugged, then pulled a tissue to my nose to sneeze. Once I finished, the Headmaster snapped her fingers and now held a mischievous grin. "She will become your personal maid!"

Chiyo turned to her mother with widened eyes. I stared at her as well, waiting for a sign or her to just say 'Just kidding'... It never came. "B-but mom! Isn't this a bit mu-" 

"Silence! You begin your duties tomorrow at five in the morning.", Headmaster hissed. "Mom! I don't want to be his maid!" The headmaster frowned,"....Fine...Then you can be his wife." The tea I was drinking erupted from my mouth into a fine mist. "My- my what now?!"I said in between coughs. Chiyo was even more flustered, and begged even more to not have this kind of punishment. I eventually piped up and quickly lied, "I am already betrothed..." The air in the room seemed to go stale quickly. My eyes were glued to the floor and I could feel the blood rush to my cheeks. "Oh? Then would you kindly tell me their name then?", the Headmaster asked coolly.  This is getting worse by the second, I can't think of anyone I could say were my... wait... what about her? "Angie... Angie Godwin, well more like Shinto in due time."

The words fell out so easily but it only darkened my cheeks more. Chiyo stared at her mother for some time, waiting for a reaction. She got it too. The Headmaster stood and walked out of my room without another word, except for a slight smile and a, "Congratulations."

I sat in the silence of my room and looked at the clock, as it read six thirty-nine at night. I sighed and started to put on my black jeans and blue jacket. Time to go get my "bride to be" ready for the news and fast.

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