Day 13: Connect the Pieces

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I wandered the area, trying to confirm my suspicions of the isles that were scattered about this place. Each I stepped onto was indeed a different memory of my life. Everything from today to what looks to be my first memories as an infant. This was amazing, truly breath taking to say the least. Then it dawned on me in that one moment of wonder, if I can find the moment my true parents gave me up, I can finally start to unravel the questions of my past! 

I immediately ran off to find that memory-island, footsteps echoing in the empty space. Island after island went by, each one showed me and continued to show the years of my life. I eventually had to stop and catch my breath. I looked at the island before me and saw that it was my seventh birthday. There next to a small child with snow white hair were two adults. One had fair skin and locks similar to the child. The other tall and well built. Their faces were blurred out. My heart sank at this revelation but at least I knew I had parents that cared. I stepped closer into the memory isle, only to see the images fade away, leaving just the child and faceless parents. The figures didn't move, only voices were heard, a female voice came first. "...we can't keep this family together my love... THEY will find out and erase us all..." She sounded calm, but her words were heavy with caution. A male voice then came with a laugh, I guess trying to ensure her. "Calm down love. It'll be hard to remove what isn't there." The voices faded out and were now just silence once more. Soon the figures joined and disappeared as well. I sighed and moved on, looking for anymore clues for where the Hell these parents of mine went.

What felt like hours passed by and no such luck came my way. I sat down in the empty area and sighed in frustration. Stuck in this desolate place, trying to find something that is seemingly impossible. I sat still, letting my mind wander, trying to just relax and keep calm. That's when my luck appearantly kicked in. A voice... not one from my mind, one that had life to it. A familiar one...

"Hey there Nirvana...", Angie said happily, but I could feel the melancholy tone in her voice. I turned to her and smiled, pulling her close and hugged her tight. "Connected the pieces yet?", she asked softly. I cocked an eyebrow at her and shook my head. She sighed and smiled. "Guess you wouldn't... It was your plan after all."

This took me by surprise but then my head hurt and a new isle appeared, one before the seventh birthday memory. The child was gone but the parent figures were there. The fatherly looking one had a face this time. The motherly one had... Angie's face?! I couldn't wrap my head around this. What is happening? Then it hit me... I... No... Nirvana didn't really exist! I was living in a pseudo life. The man who was my father is actually me. Then that means the mother I sought is in my arms...

"Clicked didn't it?", Angie smiled and kissed my cheek. "How did this happen?", I asked softly. "You did this. The only way this entire thing could have happened is if Heaven and Hell stopped fighting love. So you devised a grand scheme to do so... by freezing Hell."

So that's what this is all... I did the impossible to enjoy what I wanted... such a selfish bastard I am... but there is one problem with this ending... if it stays like this then Hell will be released. So I have to do what I did last time and erase my memories once more. Hopefully Big G and Beelz cam agree to something soon, this crap is getting old.

--------M E M O R I E S D E L E T E D-------

(A/N: Yep... that's it folks. I finally finished this book and don't expect any new updates on it soon. I really couldn't do much with the ending for which I am sorry. However I do want to say thank you for following the tale I spun for now and hope you will check out my other works... Or don't... prick. I kid, I kid! Anyways, catch ya later.)

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