Day Ten: On Record

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The crisp morning air paraded my dorm, perking me awake before my alarm could screech. I disabled the alarm and stretched in a somewhat jovial fashion, a grin adorns my face. My arms fall back down and I scan my room, envisioning the events that happened only hours ago. I roll out of the covers and let my feet touch the cold wood floor, what a sweet sensation it brings, perking me up more. I let a smile creep along my face again as I caught myself thinking of Angie. I slide my jacket and black jeans on, and grab my bag, setting off in a jovial pace. The walk to the main building was calming to say the least, however it did come with its fair share of whispers from the gossipers. Their words were muffled, but I could hear them clearly. "So him and Angie are a thing? He probably blackmailed her into it."

Wow, a bit below the belt with that one, but I shrugged it off like the rest and moved along. I glanced over at a rather large group of girls, and saw a wisp of crimson hair at the center. Without a doubt, that was Angie's locks. I made a brisk pace to the crowd, which was going mad with questions that overlapped each other, and reached out to grab the one they were interrogating. Angie jumped slightly from my touch, but relaxed and smiled as she discovered it was just me. I gave her a tug and started to help pry her from the mass of girls, which led to her tripping on an outstretched leg. I backed up to make up for the sudden increase in her speed, causing me to tumble back, and fall onto my back. I groaned as I finally began to sit up, only to be impeded by Angie's body on top of me. I blushed at this awkward embrace, but shook my head, and asked if she was okay. She smiled awkwardly and nodded to signify she was unharmed.

I let her get up first, then stood and brushed off the dirt from my pants. Looking up I noticed Angie beginning to fidget with details of her appearance that I had turned a blind to, albeit unconsciously. A subtle smile spread across my face as I caressed her cheek, following with a gentle hug. Her fidgeting stopped and I could feel her grip around me. It was a pleasant feeling to say the least, but for some reason my gut just couldn't help but feel like something was amiss about this whole thing. Questions were filling my head again, but I had to shake them away because the bell just rang. We headed to school together, grasping each other's hand tightly, walking at the same pace. It was almost peaceful, the only thing that kept it from being so were the continued whispers of the other students. 

We arrived at her classroom and we parted ways after some soft kisses and an overly long hug. I headed to my class, letting the questions that I had rush back to me once more. 

'This is too good to be true... Everything that has happened has been beneficial to me in some way. Something is off... But what is it?!'

This and other questions like it plagued my thoughts over and over. They picked my brain, never letting up, always there and burning themselves into my deepest of thoughts. I sat at my desk and rested my head, the constant thinking and second guessing  myself was giving me a headache beyond compare. Slowly I felt my eyes close, the familiar call of slumber began to envelope me again. My body was sapped of strength to resist it and I allowed myself to be overtaken by the darkness of sleep. 

I opened my eyes to a familiar scene... a boy, a lake, and his slow movement into the icy water. All of it familiar, except for two simple words he said to me. "Wake up."

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