Day Twelve: Wake Up...

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This was and is strange to say the least. The dream is over but I am still sitting by the water's edge. I scratched my head at this and stood up as I really took in my surroundings.

"Is this the real life?.... Is this just fantasy?... DID I JUST QUOTE QUEEN?!" It probably wasn't the most elegant or philosophical reaction, but that is what I said. I gave myself a slap on the cheek and a pinch on my arm to try a last ditch effort to wake from this dream, to no avail. With nothing left to try, I began to wander the landscape, headed to a hill behind the lake. The climb was tame although it was far from easy. The hill was composed of loose gravel that was barley held together by weeds and the weight of sandy soil atop it. As I finally reached the top of this miniature mountain I scanned the area again. The land was mostly blank white space like a sea, save for a few spots that were just random island like bodies, housing familiar scenes.

The store where I got my supplies, The Golden Butler, the school's main building... all were on an island of their own. I was dumbfounded, but my curiosity won over as I took one step forward. Once my foot touched the ground, the gravel crumbled and the cruel mistress of gravity took hold of me. I tumbled down, ass over head, until I hit the blank sea at the bottom. The most peculiar thing happened at that moment... the blank sea, froze and help me to my feet. I cocked an eyebrow at this, but shrugged it off as I began my trek through the cluster of islands.

I walked to the first island that I could and stepped on its crumbling shores. The once frozen store was now lively again, as if the blank sea was just a delusion. I stepped in and looked around, curious as to what I'd find. Soon enough my answer arrived, in the form of myself and the sales clerk from before. The scene was playing out exactly as it did then! My legs carried me out quickly and buckled the instant I stepped back onto the blank sea.

"...Please don't tell me that I'm in Purga!", I groaned to myself. I looked around and it seemed to fit the bill: Large blank space, time seemingly frozen, solidarity... yup, fits it to a "T". Now I really need to wake up...

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