Day Three: Our Little Secret

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          Why...why of all people are three of my seniors coming here? Well that question is a no brainer, but still.... Anyway I need to carry on.

          "Welcome, ladies.", I said lightly, and gave a bow with my hand on my chest. All three stopped their gossiping and gazed at me, blushed and asked for a table. I lead them to a circular booth, the lighting was cheerful and soothing at the same time, they sat down and began to decide what to order. The first two girls knew what they wanted and ordered immediately, the last one was having trouble doing the same. Noticing I walked next to her, bent down close and asked kindly,

          "Ma'am do you need help deciding what to order?" When she looked at me her face flushed rose red, hid her face with the menu and said yes. I  gently caressed her hand, I could feel her body jolt from my touch. I pointed to an item that seemed like she would enjoy to savor... but when I saw what the item was I wish I had paid more attention. The item read as 'The Butler Treat- you have the opportunity to be fed by your current butler, ............$15.98'

          Her friends gasped and held hands, pressing against each other as they watched intently as to how this would unfurl. I stood up and gave a bow to the group, "I will return shortly." It only took seven minutes for the food to be ready to be served. I came back to the table and gave the two girls their dishes of poached salmon, the final one I sat down next to and readied the utensils. She blushed harder and tried to act natural. I took t a spoon and took a small dollop of the dish, put my hand under the spoon, turned to her,"Now say 'Ah'." She did so and accepted the food graciously, but managed to get some cream on her face. I chuckled, reached over and wiped it off my finger and consumed it myself, saying it was delicious.

           Her friends start to squeal with excitement and start to take pictures and send texts. She just sat there wide eyed and in a blissful shock. I got a mischievous thought at this point, leaning close to her I whisper,"You look so beautiful... Maybe I should make you mine..."

This little line set her friends off, and snapped her out of here trance, cheeks burning bright red. They finished their meal.... when they didn't squeal at my act that is, and paid the bill and left. The rest of the day was pretty much the same after that (plus my tips weren't that bad... roughly $201 total). Women came in and left, some still in a trance. At 11P.M. my shift was over, I cleaned up and left through the front in my street clothes. As I walked back to the school I could hear footsteps behind me, and faint female whispers. I stopped mid stride, whipped around and saw the trio freeze.

          "Can I help you?", I asked coldly but with a smirk. The girl who I catered to earlier was pushed forward, almost knocking her glasses off, she stumbled into me, causing me to catch her. She jumped back, fixed her glasses and stammered out a sentence but I could not understand what she said. I asked her to say it again and this time it was all so very clear. She yelled out, "WILL YOU GO OUT ON A DATE WITH ME?!"

          We stood there in silence for a while. Her face once again flushed bright red. I stood there and thought about how to respond.... I leaned in close, lightly held her chin with my thumb and forefinger, and gave her small peck on the cheek, followed by saying, "Why not, you worked up the nerve to say it... just two things first, I need to know your name and we need to keep this and my work a secret."

          She nodded and told me her name was Miu Sakurai... I have a hunch that tomorrow will be a very interesting day.

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