To the Rescue! (The End!)

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I paced, eyes narrowed in thought. Giving a groan, I turned to Lue. "I don't understand why Garrosh is targeting us. I mean, I did nothing to him..." I muttered.

Lue thought for a moment and asked, "Are you sure? I remember you saying something about him attacking you when you first got into Azeroth. Could he know of your escape?"

My eyes narrowed even further. "Would he go to that extent to see me dead? There must be something more. He called me a human whelp, and threw me to die--meaning I had no value to him then. Perhaps he learned something, or found something out, to make us target," I suggested.

Lue considered this for a moment and slowly nodded. "Could be that we're from a different universe. Garrosh might see us as abominations, and we could now be a threat to him since we just cleared out two rather powerful entities," he finished. I gave a nod and began walking toward the portal.

"Well. Whatever the case, the guys need a rescue now. Let's move!" I exclaimed with a sigh. We were hunters without guardians now...but that wouldn't stop us. In fact, we were more lethal than ever because both those we cared about currently had their heads on the chopping block. 

We exited the dungeon/kingdom through the portal, and called upon our mounts. I summoned my black onyx panther, while Lue summoned his phoenix. We flew out of Dragonblight straight to Dalaran, meeting no resistance. I landed before a guard and grabbed him by the collar. He was a night elf a bit taller than I, so it was sorta funny.

"Provide to us a portal to Durotar. It's urgent... now!" I growled. My voice turned to a snarl. The guard widened his eyes in surprise, and for once I was glad to be intimidating. Things might get done faster this way.

"Do it," Lue chimed in, his voice low and dangerous. I glanced back to see his eyes glowing a dangerous fel green. He fixed them on the guard and emitted a low growl.

The guard couldn't take it. "Y-yes Ma'am!" he gasped. I let go and stepped away. He knew not to run, because we'd only chase him down and rip him apart if he did. Come on now, this was serious, every second wasted would cause for more suffering of the captives.

The guard snapped his fingers, summoning a glowing portal with the image of Durotar swirling within it. Lue and I stepped in quickly. I gave a nod of thanks to the guard before the swirling energy vanished for good. We were now in the unforgiving wasteland of Durotar...and now, we had a mission.

Unlike the first time, there was no orc guard to kick me into a rock. No one was around, and it was time to start walking. Lue and I didn't want to fly in because the guards would shoot us down in an instant. We would need to walk in pure line of sight to show that we were here and ready to fight.

Both Lue and I approached the front of Orgrimmar, now catching sight of the various members of the horde fighting. I caught the eyes of some, which immediately caused the battles to halt. Specifically, I stared to the rogue I saw the first time I was left here. He'd sliced at my face, from what I could recall.

I saw him creep up to us and appear before me. He thrust a knife forward, barely missing cutting my cheek a second time. Then, he spoke in a low, hostile voice. "Horde human. Fancy seeing you here. Did you come to die?"

I returned the glare and smiled somewhat. I grabbed his wrist, ignoring his gasp, and withdrew my knife, returning his original favor by slicing into his cheek. Then, I bared my teeth.

Clearing my throat, I promised, "No...I came to kill. I trust you won't get in my way. In fact, I hope that none of you do, because otherwise, you'll be the one I destroy." Lue stood next to me and gave a nod. Rather than falling back, the rouge threw back his head.

Have fun in Azeroth! A World of Warcraft Fanfiction {Edited.}Where stories live. Discover now