Part 31 - Energy

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Lillia woke up feeling refreshed. She gingerly stepped out of her bed and paced around the room. She felt energised and...right. It was the first time she woke up without any trouble since a few months before, which was before her headache started to bother her and her daily life activities. But it was the feeling that felt as if everything's right that bothered her.

In actuality, before her headache saga started, Lillia never really had any trouble waking up in the morning, although that does not mean she was a morning person. She just had no trouble, is all. But this morning, she felt like she could do anything.

Lillia took a glance at her clock, and saw that it was only 3 in the morning. Well, that is strange she knitted her eyebrows at her clock, thinking that there must be a mistake and that maybe the clock had stopped working. However, the minute hand was ticking away, the ticking being the only sound in her silent bedroom.

Which occurred to her how strange for it to be silent. True, the mansion's residents would start to go to bed by 1 AM, right after returning from school, in which their session ends by midnight. Even so, Lillia knew for a fact that the others wouldn't tuck in at the same time as her. There would be Reiji, who would still fussing over something in the kitchen or is in his room concocting some kind of 'medicine' as he call it, Laito moseying in and out of the house saying he had some 'business' outside and the other employees of the house, although there aren't many, they were still doing some of their duties at such late hours, presumably to cater to their masters that were still awake.

Lillia waited for another minute and tried to listen in the house, assuming that she might have mistaken as to the silence in the house. She heard nothing. Alarmed, Lillia stood up from her bed and paced around her room, contemplating whether she should go out of the corridor to evaluate the situation in the mansion. She might have been wrong; maybe everyone has fallen asleep, after all, she was always the first one to fall asleep, how would she know that it's abnormal for the mansion to be so quiet?

But Lillia knew better. She could feel something was wrong in the mansion, contrary to how she felt about herself when she woke up earlier. While she was pondering this, she heard a loud bang that came from the room beside her. Once again, Lillia was alarmed by this; as far as she knew, the room beside her was not resided by anyone else.

What's the same person who has been sending letters to the mansion? Lillia thought in panic, unsure of what to do. She listened in again, trying to make sure she did not in fact imagine the sound. Instead of another bang, she heard something alike of furniture crashing and Lillia felt her mouth turning dry. What if her fears were answered?

Lillia paced around the room again and noticed the baseball bat that she kept at the side of her bed. Although most of the times she had always stumbled upon such situations, Lillia had taken some security measures to protect herself lest she gets pounced on by any of the Sakamaki siblings (read: Laito).

She grabbed her baseball bat and strengthened her resolve; she may be living with the Sakamakis, that did not mean she's completely safe. She needs to depend on herself if she wants to survive. And such act means she has to face whatever that is inside the room beside hers. Lillia needs to take the initiative; she can't just wait around all the time.

Lillia gingerly stepped out of the corridor right after she had surveyed the corridor for any signs of life, she may not be the only who had heard the loud noise, after all. As Lillia quickly but silently walked over to the next room's door, Lillia had the time to wonder to herself that the rest of the residents of the house slept like logs. Or maybe some were not at home.

Lillia knew that such thoughts were actually only a buffer for her in order to gain her courage to open the door. She may have strengthened her resolve, but it did not stop her from thinking of terrible thoughts: what if the person inside the room will attack her once she opened the door? What if the person is not a person, but some kind of animal that is strong enough to crash into the room from the window, despite the fact that it's the second floor?

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 27, 2016 ⏰

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