Chapter 1 the intro

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Hi this is my first story that i determined to finish please DO bother me finish it and upload. give me ideas of who the characters should be. i will give a list next of characters after i get told who by the people. Fan vote comment please dont have to but it would be nice ok i am taking your time now to the story p.s critism welcome

Story begins in 3...2... look down

“Can we now stretch our hands to bless this week’s tithe and offering and bless this coming week” the pastor aka my father asked the congregation of 102. After that was done I grabbed my bible, greeted the elders and walked across the street to my house which was where I have been living since the day I was born. As I entered the house I headed straight to my room, changed and lay on my bed happy knowing that I did not have to cook since we were going to have Chinese.

I reach out to get my IPod touch accidently knocked over the photo of my deceased mummy. I picked it up and a smile was placed on my face, it was a sad smile knowing it was the day my mother went into hospital after being hit by a reckless drunken driver. She was in a coma for four weeks. My family and the church prayed continuously, then she woke up and she was better but the hospital kept her in just to monitor her. But then something went wrong and she had some kind of attack, the doctors didn’t know what happened about an hour later they said she was gone. I didn’t know what thing all I could do was melt to the floor and kept repeat her words in my head. I have never forgotten those words: “Natashenka (another form of Natasha and pronounced nah-tah-SHENG-ka which means Christ birthday as I was born on the 25th December) my only child, it is time for me to go and be with the Lord” she said in a hushed throaty voice. “But never forget that I Love you and I will always be with you in your heart; remember to live you dreams and to keep your faith strong in GOD I….Love (cough) you. The Machine started beeping and the doctors and nurses started rushing in and telling me that I had to leave. I kept asking question and had to be pulled out by two nurse. The I remember a doctor coming out saying “I am sorry…we tried our best and…but we lost I her I’m sorry”.

DING-DONG- I snapped out of my thoughts as the door bell wrung and whipped my wet face surprised to find myself crying. I ran downstairs straightening my clothes and answered the door to find a boy standing at the door.

“Hello?” I asked

“Is this Pastor Ogun house?”

“Yes this is Pastor Ogon house is everything ok?” I replied correcting him

“Yes everything is fine I just came to return this package that was delivered to my house because you were not in” he said reaching out to give it to me

“Thanks, but how come I have never seen you before?” I enquired I may seem nosy but I know everyone on my street.

“I just moved in next door yesterday”

“Oh but I thought the Robinsons lived next door I know they do not have any kids”

“Yes I know they are my aunt and my uncle I am living with them for a while due to some circumstances at home”

“Well I have to get inside now before my dad finds me outside talking to a boy.

“Ok bye umm?”

“Natashenka Okogwus but everybody calls me Natasha”

“Well Natasha my name is Landon Regwood”

“Nice to meet you I really have to go now”

“K bye”

“Bye” I said closing the door

“Wow” I whispered to myself as I leaned on the door. That boy in my book is hot he is so hot that he needs an extra T. I have never felt like this before I have butterflies in my stomach. I walked to my room laid, said a silent prayer then read a bit. After that we had Chinese, prayed together then went our separate ways to bed to another day to separate ways to bed.

thanks for reading i will upload soon Fan vote comment please dont have to but it would be nice ok i am taking your time now to the story p.s critism welcome

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