my relationship with my dad

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       My second chapter i hope u like it. fan, vote, comment and tell other. critism welcome all rights reservedif coppied i will sue you for £20,000 = twenty thousand pounds :) i am dead serious or am i

                                                            No im serious i will sue your ass

in 5 4 3 2 look down

                        CHAPTER 2

“Nat!” my dad yelled from the kitchen “Time to get ready for school, hurry up we need to pray then I can drive you to school”

“Just a five more minutes” I yell back

“No now get up and get ready”

“Ugh Jesus Christ” I whispered to myself

“Don’t moan at me child and do not say our Lords name is vain”

“How did he hear me?”

“I hear everything now get up and do not make me come up those stairs”

“Yes daddy”

30 minutes later

“Let us pray” my father began as he put his hands on my head as he does to the church when he bless them. The prayer went on for under 10 minutes. If it was not for my begging last week for my father to reduce the amount of time he uses to pray.

When we got into the car there was an awkward silence apart from the Hillsong CD playing in the background. There was always an awkward when it comes to me and my dad. I mean of course I love him and I am certain he loves me too. But we are a just not compactable, we are just too different. We never agree and for him to agree I have to have a argument and possibly use the mum cards which I know is mean but come on I am sure that even GOD allows to do what want. That is why we have a thing called free will. That is why if we go wrong there is the bible to guide us back. I really miss her. It was so hard growing up without any woman influence in my growing life. When it came down to the puberty start of boobs and period I really that God for my best friend Yunique’s mum who was there to guide me. My dad was totally clueless when it came to explaining as he grew up with my 4 uncles and no sisters. After growing up with my dad I am surprisingly girly when it came to formal times but outside that I am a tomboy.

When I got to school I kissed my dad bye and rushed into the school building before he could give me a daily lecture to stay away from boys and keep my head in my books and be polite and respectful to all the ones I like and the ones I don’t agree with as it is wrong for me to hate anyone apart from the devil from my dad. From what I have told you, you have probably learnt that my dad is a strict no nonsense man and you are right he is.

“NATASHA” someone called bringing me out of thoughts

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