School guide

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Hi again here is an update I’m sorry for the wait. Thanks for the read. This whole book is dedicated to my best friend on wattpad on my other page who died R.I.P SAMMY I love you why is it that cancer claimed you. My third chapter I hope u like it. Fan, vote, comment and tell other. critism welcome all rights reserved if copied I will sue you for £20,000 = twenty thousand pounds :) i am dead serious or am I

           No im serious i will sue your ass don’t say I didn’t warn you

in 5 4 3 2 look down

(Still Natasha P.O.V)

I turned around to see who called me. Then I smiled noticing it was my best friend Yunique who was jogging to meet me. I walked to meet her half way and gave her a hug.

“Did you finish the maths homework? “she asked as we walked to our lockers

“Yeah but I didn’t understand question 22”


“What subjects do we have today?” I enquire yawning

“Double PE with Trampling then badminton, break, Double science, lunch then English then Maths. (A/N that is my real Monday timetable it is so boring that is why I hate getting up on Mondays)

“ugh I hate Mondays”

“Girl don’t I know it OH I forgot did you hear about the new boy in our 11 yellow (A/N in school spilt into five groups for every year) I heard he is a total emo snake bites and everything but is kind of hot”

“Cool but you know not to get your hopes up they only go for their own white or/and emo.

“Yeah yeah I know I swear if you did the whole emo dressing and piercing and make up you could be an emo” Yunique replied as we made our way to our form room on the top floor

“Just because I listen to people like Black veil brides, Paramore, Linkin Park don’t mean I am an emo just mean I like the music you act like I don’t listen to Beyonce, Marymary, Chris Brown or keke sherad”

“Come on you know I am just pulling you legs but if you dad new about half of the music you listen to she will kill you with prayer, give you a month of deliverance and make you drink and bath in holy water”

“Don’t I know it” I said laughing


Everybody in the class rushed to stand behind their chair before the teacher Ms Dawson came and just on cue she came in with Ms Pea.

“Good morning 9 Yellow” she spoke sounding bored

 “Good morning Ms Dawson, good morning ms Pea” the class chorused

“Class you can Sit” she began the register and I sat whispering to Yunique


“Here Ms”

“Oh yes Natasha you are to go to the office take your things with you”

“Ok miss”

She went back to doing the register while I walked out of the noisy class

(Landon Regwood)

Im sitting in the headteachers office waiting my ‘guide’ and the headteacher to come in. I hate the fucking process of moving to a new school. It wasn’t really my choice. My life is shit so I had to come and live my aunt (who is my dads sister) and uncle Alice and Jason Robinson. My dad walked out on me when I was 5 and my mum is an alcoholic who is abused me and who has gone to rehab. I have natural jet black hair, I have snake bites, tongue piercing and one ear gauge in my left ear. Im what everyone will stereotype as an emo but really I don’t care about anyone, school, life and GOD. I fucking hate him I really don’t believe in him if he was real would I be going through hell every day, would he have allowed my father to walk out of my life and let my mother abuse me. FUCK NO.

“Mr Regwood this is your guide”

I turned around to see who I am going to put up with. To be honest I was kinda shocked to find out it was the girl from next door she looked so small in her uniform. But there again everybody looks small to me 6ft 3.

I heard her gasp

“is there something wrong” Mr Taplin aka the headteacher asked

“No nothing it just we met before he is my new neighbour”

“Well ok that’s even better so Natasha you know what to do you have all classes together”

“Ok Sir thank you”

“Mr Regwood will you please follow Miss Ogon”

I got up picking up my backpack and went through the door that lead into the corridor.

“Well..” she said

“What now”

“To English I guess”

“Whatever” I said walking forward then I stopped and noticed she wasn’t with me she was behind me with her arms crossed against her chest making her boobs look bigger.

“Why are you waiting?”

“Because English is the other way”

“I knew that” I muttered

“Whatever makes you sleep at night” was her reply

I walked up to meet her dragging my feet

(Natasha P.O.V)

“What happened to you?” I asked I know I was being nosy but if you are going to treat me like dirt I need to know why he looks so different yesterday  his hair was a nice jet black I had a urge to run my hand through it. I didn’t notice it yesterday since he was wearing a hat.

“What are talking about” he grunted. WAIT, HOLD ON A MINUTE DID HE JUST GRUNT AT ME

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