Are you Jealous? part one

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(Still Natasha)

Oh My Gosh. Why do i care i act like im jealous? I just meet him today

"Oh right class time for your next lesson" The teacher hollered

People rushed out and me being me didnt want to be caught up in the pushing and shoving war so I stayed and waited to everyone left.

"Bye Mr Ronnie" I yelled as i left the classroom

"Bye Natasha" he said as he packed up his paperwork.

As I left the room and was about to turn left a hand pulled me out of thoughts and i turned and smaked right into a hard chest.

"Oww that hurt"

"Sorry it is just my chest is just rock hard from all the time i spend at the gym" The sexy muscular voice responded

I looked up and saw it was the just Landon. I kissed my teeth and asked "why are you not with Lara since you spent the whole lesson flirting and looking like you wanted to rip each others clothes of" He laughed, he actually laughed at me. Then stopped, there was a gleam in his perfect bright eyes. (I need to slap my self) "Are you jealous"

"Me Jealous of you and Lara?" I asked as if it was the most absured question i have ever been asked in my life

"Yes i think you are" He had such a smirk of his face i wanted to slap it off


"I know i am iresitable"

"What you are is a egosistic pig"

"ehh cant argue with the true" he said with a shrug "But admit you like me" he pulled me closer to his chest i just noticed he was still holding me like that.

"I..." I looked him in the eyes getting merorised, my pulse increased and sparks were flying.

All i heard in my head was my fathers warning about boys and how never to trust them. "I dont like you like that" I walled out of Landons grasp. I am surely going to hell for lying like this. For some reason I looked at the clock. cupcakes i was late. Mrs Jones is going to kill me she hates student being late. I pulled Landons hand and raced to class he just followed without saying anything.

I stepped inside the classroom, my heart beating,

"Natasha why are you late to my less" the voice boomed

"sorry im late miss I..." I didnt really have the best excuse. What was i going to say I was with the new boy and staring into his mezmerising eyes and he was asking me to admit that i fancied him. Yep best excuse ever. Notice the sarcasm.

"Yes Natasha you what" her voice lined with sarcasm turning the class's silence into chatters and giggles i have never felt so embarrassed. What can I say I have never been late before in my life.

"I was late because..." I was cut off by a different voice

"She was looking for me because i tried looking for the class my self as I am new to the school i guess i should have stayed with my guide the headteacher decided she should be my guide so it is my fault i am sorry"

"Is this true?" Mrs Jones asked referrng to me. I couldnt trust my mouth to speak

"Ok have a seat and dont make this a habit"

Again i just nodded as i hung my head down and headed for my seat, i didnt know what to say i was speechless i mean it was Landon that saved my behind from being toast,

"Well since you are the reason you are late introduce yourself to the class"

"well my name is Landon Regwood i am 16 and i live with my aunt and uncle" he said with an 'i dont care can i just sit in my seat and you teach the lesson that i am not going to to listen to anyway' look on his face

"Fair enough, find a chair and sit down"



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