not done

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"No need to be rude"

"Whatever just show me where my class I don't need a little girl hanging around"

I admit that stung but it was cool I was used to my feelings being hurt.

"OK come on"

Since the PE teacher was absent, it was free study in a random classroom, as we walk in I greeted the subsitue teacher and give him a note that the head teacher gave to explain to the teacher why we were late.

"Ok Natasha have a seat"

(Landon P.O.V)

I was confused when he told her to seat down because she was in year 9 and this is a year 11 class but maybe it was a diverse PE lesson in this school.

"well welcome I'm Mr Ronnie" the teacher told me

I didn't respond I just stood waiting for me to get dismissed and sit

"ok well have a seat anywhere"

I took a look around and saw that most of the girls were looking at me, what can I say I know im good looking with my charms im the perfect package. "emo" or not I am sexy and I know it. I don't understand how I was labeled emo just because I wear black most of the time, well all of the time I have snake bites that was because of a dare,  it  also had that bad boy vibe to it and it kept the ladies coming my way. Not for anything serious just for some say "mash and dash or hump and dump" they all knew I wasnt  looking for a relationship just fun for a night and that was it however that didnt stop a few girls thinking that they tame a person like me just like that Miley Cyrus song (i heard it when i went to friends house and his younger sister who one of the girls added to my quicky was playing it in her room)  . I looked around to find a seat, there two seat one next to one hot brown haired girl and one next to Natasha. The brown haired girl was wearing a short shorts and a practally see-through shirt and the girl was signaling me to come sit next to her or do i sit next to Natasha who looked lonely.

Woah were did that come from one hour with this girl and I am turning into mush.

Who do i sit next to?


SORRY that was short and sorry for the wait im sorry will update soon cross my heart and will live for ever.

Deuces my little maltesers!!!!!!!! :)

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