chap 5

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After an interrnal debate I sat next to the brunette.

" Hi" she she leaned over and whispered in a husky tone giving me a clear vision of her well opened clevage.

"Hey" I replied already knowing she was easy

" My name is Lara White what's your name?"

" Landon"

" Sexy name for a hot guy and does this hot guy have a last name"

" Regwood, Landon regwood"

" So your the new boy that all the girls have been going crazy for well they we're very right" she said with a devious smirk on her face then licking her lips

I gave her a cocky smile then leaned to her ear and whispered.


i looked up from my work to her an annoying shrek of laughter, it was Lara White. It had to be her that girl had it in for me since reception for a reason that is not known becuase of her i had no friends.


I remember one day in year i was chosen to sit on the golden chair and me being the nerd i was was hated by everyone because that meant extra golden time which i always had because i always finished my work on early. And Lara pissed me off by getting all the boys to pour water on me so bthat as she was going to sit down i pulled the chair from beneath her and she fell to to ground and cried and i was removed from the golden chair role and they gave it to her. The teachers knew that she told the boys to pour water on me yet did nothing about it.


She continued to pull her heard back in laughter and "sudectively stroked his chest and for some stange reason that angered me.


sorry it is short i just wanted to update

peace love and barbie dolls

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