He can annoy the hell out of me

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Hi Pikins, sorry for the long wait. a lot of course work and early GCSEs in English got one A* and one A so far, hope you are proud of me. lol

So onwards with the story:>>>>>>>

She got on the bus and left. What the hell she was meant to stay and call me to come on or something like that, why the heck did she leave me. I look at the chart it doesnt say another bus is coming in 30 MINUTES. FUCK!!! i should of gotten on the bus.


If that pompous jerk thinks that i am going to wait for him or ask him to get on the bus he has another thing coming, God forbid bad thing, over my dead body. I fill a bit guilty but the look on his face when the bus drove off was priceless. i arrived home bout 30 minutes later. went straight to my room knowing that i was going to be alone again for dinner, i really wish mum was alive somethimes. i started on some maths homework and slowly drifted off to sleep. I woke up E Tizz - He Will never leave me. That was dads ringtone.

"Hello Dad" i said with a yawn

"Hi Princess did i wake you"

"Kinda but its okay"

"Ok well i am just calling to check on you, have you eaten"

"no i will get something now"

"Oh, ok"

The doorbell rang

"Dad someones at the door i will later or tomorrow morning"

"ok sweetheart bye speak to you later"

the phone dropped. The doorbell rang again.

I ran downstairs, "hold on I'm coming." I shouted

I opened the door and guess who it was, just guess, I bet you know the one and only Landon.

I leaned on the door.

"Can i help you, Mr Regwood?"

"one thats not a nice way to answer the door and two you have too much attitude for a nerd".

"That doesnt answer my question"

"Well your meant to help me with my work"

"Are you demanding or asking"


"Didnt sound like a question"

He groaned "are you always like this?"

"Only for you"

"really?" he eyed me weirdly

"yep" i Replied shifting my weight on my feet for some strange reason I felt nervous under his stare

"ok so when do you suppose we do this?"

"Do what?" I asked confused

"The studying"

"Oh yeah I knew that" I scoffed

"you sure you didn't have anything else in mind?" he smirked whIle wiggling his perfectly shaped eyebrows

"As if"

"Yeah right you know you want this sexy body"

Was this really happening on my door step. just outside for all my nosey neighbours to see.

"whatever just keep dreaming anyway you wanna come inside I am home alone and I have nothing better to do since I have done all my homework"


I stepped aside to let him in and he walked right in took off his shoes and made himself right at home. *kmt* foolish boy

"give me a minute let me go and get some things" I called as I walked upstairs

5 minutes later:

I came downstairs to see him...........


"what in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ are you doing?"

"what does it look like I am doing, I'm eating?"

"my food!!!!!!!!! are you dumb?" I was about to go all Southeast London ghetto girl on his ass, I allow him into my house. MY house and he goes and eats my food. MY food.

"chill it is just food, what is it anyway? kinda of tastes nice.

I was seeing red,

"calm down tasha it's just chin chin, you are a child of God it say thou shall not murder, but it also says thou shall not steal but it also says that you should love your neighbour , treat them how you want to treated and not to pay them back with evil. Dang the bible is always right."

"Are you seriously pacing around talking to yourself?" he said with raised eyebrows

"you rather I cut you up and scatter you pieces all around Europe?" I snapped

"For a good girl you are violent"

"whatever let's just forget that happened but if it happens again I will hunt you down and it is not a threat that is a promise" I smiled

he nodded.

"Did you bring your work with you so we can get started"

"Does it look like I have it."

I gave hard glare that said don't push me boy


"what am I go to do with you"

"I have a long list of ideas."

"ew not with you not in a million years"

"you have a dirty mind I wasn't talking about sex I was talking about watching tv.

"you must have a dirty mind if know what i was talking about"


i switched on tv and we just flipped around for about one hour ordered pizza and fell asleep.


"So I ball so hard muhfuckas wanna fine me

first niggas gotta find me

What's 50 grand to a muhfucka like me

Can you please remind me?

Ball so hard, this shit crazy...."

Thats my alarm. 

"Switch it off its too early I heard a voice say"

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2014 ⏰

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