He's full of Agony.

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Harry was serving a couple that was sitting and chatting at the bar, he nodded to them as they gave their thanks, and continued their conversation.

A lot of couples had been coming in recently, because it was getting close to Valentine's Day, and Butch's was one of the best bar and Grill places in town, so they had been busy, Harry had even been coming in everyday of the week to help out.

The red head sighed, this will be the third Valentine's Day to pass since he and Robin escaped from the horrible house, he's spent them alone in his room or working at the bar.

Though this year, it would be spent busy, moving out and into the next town over, where he had found an office job to replace his job at Butch's

He hated the idea of not working at the bar, honestly, but the drive back and forth everyday would just be to much.

The possibility of running into Robin would just be too much.

The Green haired male had offered to help him move out, getting his stuff over to the other apartment, Harry had agreed to let him help, though the offer had hit him like a bullet to the head.

Robin wanted him gone.

Robin didn't want to be anywhere near him..

Is this how he always felt?..

Harry's hands started to tremble with anger at the thought of Robin hanging out with him, helping him with things, going on that date, all out of some sort of pity?!

The red head felt his eyes start to burn, he was tearing up, his eyes widened and he quickly started to walk to the back storage room, walking inside the pantry and closing the door behind him.

He felt the tears rise and then fall down his cheek and a choked up sob left his mouth, he had believed and felt Robin to be his best friend, the only person who TRUELY understood everything that happened.

But he was second guessing his thoughts on how Robin felt now, Harry slowly sank to his knees as he tried to blink the tears away and compose himself, but he couldn't.

The tears fell rapidly as he sobbed, alone in the dimly lit storage room, he gripped his chest as the agony he felt twisted and pricked, no, stabbed his heart.

Harry shook with each broken sob, he felt like a never ending agony was gripping his heart and tearing it into thousands of pieces, Not only will he never see the little energetic Donnie again,

but Robin didn't want to see him, and the teachers don't even seem to remember what happened, he would really be alone once he left.

He wasn't sure how much time had passed before the door was opened, and he could vaguely hear Joey frantically asking him what happened.

The tall brunet knelt beside him "Harry?!" Joey gently shook him, making him look up with water blue eyes, and Joey seemed to be in a panic as Harry just looked back down and hugged himself as he whispered out

"Don't.....Don't tell Robin.."

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