Chapter Eight

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Rose woke up the next day and got on her phone excitedly,

To: Ethan&Willow

From: Ethan
That's great!!!

From: Willow
Woah wier3y592q4qy24u1i32qjwerfhweuhrwa THAT'S AWESOMEEEE!!

Rose was about to reply but she noticed something was off-her father hadn't called out 'honey, breakfasts ready!' or anything. She looked around the room, it was different then the one she was used to, and where was Blitz? Suddenly she heard footsteps, "W-whose there?" she called out starting to worry. "Don't worry, you're safe." Rose turned, "Um.. Where are you? Where's Blitz? Who are you!?" she started to sweat with anxiety. She was about to text Ethan and ask for help as she looked at her phone but a man came out of nowhere, "I wouldn't do that if I were you," he said while shaking his head. "Trust me, it's a bad idea..." Rose gulped and put her phone in her pocket, "Who-who are you?" she asked trying not to show fear, but it was obvious since she was stuttering. "That doesn't matter, the only thing I'm interested in is y. o. u. What does that spell? You!" The strange man sat down by her, "First-since you're in my house you go by my rules, understood?" Rose nodded, "Y-y-yes sir..."

A few hours later at twelve o' clock Rose had finally finished learning rules about everything in the house, it was as if this man wanted her to live with him as his daughter. She raised her hand at lunch, "Yes Rosy?" he asked with a smile, "May I go to the bathroom?" Daddy nodded (that's what he wanted her to call him), "Yes Rosy, but be back soon." Rose nodded and ran to the bathroom, got her phone out, and started texting.

To: Ethan

From: Ethan

To: Ethan
Angel? that's new o.O anyway, he tells me to call him Daddy and I hate him D: 

From: Ethan
I'm on my way! And... just ignore that the nickname ever happened x.x

To: Ethan
Wait! Make sure to get Blitz, he's at my house. My *real* dad says that he's a guard dog c: so he should help

From: Ethan

Got it! I will try to get you within an hour :D

Rose was about to reply but before she could she heard knocking on the door, "Rosy? Baby? Are you done yet?" Rose acted as if she had been on the toilet the entire time, she flushed and put her phone back in her pocket, "Erm.. Yes Daddy! I just finished!" she exited the bathroom and looked at him, he looked at her and just stared. "How's my baby girl?" Rose just nodded and looked away, "Fine... just Fine..." She went back downstairs nervously and tried her best not to act anxious as she waited for Ethan.

Two hours later and still no sign of Ethan and Blitz, Rose was very worried and anxious. Once she thought they had given up on her she heard the door slam, and it wasn't like the closing slam-it was like the door got kicked over slam. Immediately 'Daddy' got up and went to the door, Rose-of course-Followed. Right there was standing Ethan (who had obviously kicked down the door) and Blitz who was growling loudly. 'Daddy' looked at Rose, "Rosy, do you know who these people are?" Rose ignored the question and right once he finished the sentance Ethan punched the side of his jaw and Blitz bit his leg. "HEY, GET OFFA ME!!!" 'Daddy' said with anger, Blitz had a tight grip and wouldn't let go. Ethan looked at Rose, "C'mon, let's get outta here!" He didn't need to tell Rose twice, and once Rose was out of the house and running so was Ethan and Blitz (after one bite on the other leg of course). 

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