Chapter 3

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I finally arrived home. The lights in the house were on. It was late. I grabbed my phone that I had thrown onto the passenger seat and checked the time. It was nearly midnight. 

I grabbed hold of my bag and got out of the car. 

Erika probably cancelled the plans she had with her parents. 

I locked the car and headed towards the front door. I didn't take my keys out and unlock the door. Instead I just knocked a few times just in case Erika was probably having some private time with her boyfriend. 

I moved in with her when I first met her. I met her in library and for some weird reason we directly clicked and got along with each other. Her dirty blonde wavy hair and her blue-green eyes amazed me. 

She was a very sweet and generous girl. She directly suggested I moved in with her till I found my own place. I could say she was my best friend. I would tell her everything except about the drugs. Sometimes I found my self annoying so I would just shut up and try to get her to talk.

She told me about her life a bit. She told me about her family and one of her deepest secrets that left a deep cut in her heart. I felt so bad when she told me that she got raped by some jocks when she was in high school. I wished I could give her the world just for her to forget that horrible nightmare. I wished I were there to have prevented it from even happening. She also told me about her boyfriend Niall. She was madly in love with him. But I didn't know about him. Whenever I'd see them together, I'd see love shine in her eyes whereas I didn't see that in him. Maybe he just sucks at showing his affection towards a person.

As time passed, I started making money and wanted to move out because I felt heavy on her but she demanded I stayed. So I stayed but forced her to let me pay half of everything.

We made a deal and we practically live like sisters now. 

I continued knocking on the door but no answer. I took my keys out and unlocked the door. As soon as I stepped in, I needed to make a warning that I was home.

"Erika! I'm home!" I spoke loudly and threw the keys into the bowl on the stand next to the door. I slammed the door shut, locked it and threw my shoes off and tossed them into the closet. 

I made enough chaos, so if I walk in on her and her boyfriend doing any shit I swear I'll puke. I once walked in on them and I'd rather not remember that. I gag at the thought of it.

I walked into the living room and there was no one so I switched the lights off in there. Then I walked towards the kitchen and there was no one in there as well. I placed my bag near the sink.

Hmm... This is weird. Maybe she's in her room. But why'd she leave all the lights on? 

I was getting thirsty I opened a Redbull can and poured it into a cup. I never liked drinking out of a can unless I cleaned it well. I don't know but I just get disgusted I guess. 

I grabbed my cup and my purse and walked out of the kitchen switching the lights off behind me.

I walked up the stairs, taking a sip out of my cup with every step I took. I was starting to feel sleepy. As soon as I reached the top of the stairs, I walked into the bathroom and poured the drink down the sink. I threw the cup in the bin and made my way through the corridor. 

I passed by her room. Her door was closed and I could practically hear them getting it on in their. I didn't even want to imagine it. So I continued walking straight pass her room towards mine. 

I opened my bedroom door and slammed it shut behind me. I tossed my bag onto the bed and grabbed a towel. I walked out my room and made my way towards the bathroom ignoring the noises coming from Erikas room. 

I placed the towel on the hook and locked the bathroom door. I turned the water on and stood in front of the mirror. I watched myself as I took my top and jeans off. 

I hated myself. I always felt fat and ugly. I placed my hands on my hips and pressed on my skin. I felt disgusted.

Ugh.. Eww.. What the fuck? I'm so ugly. How could any guy like me? How could any guy find me attractive? 

I woke up from my little moment of hating on myself because I was starting to feel cold. I placed my clothes into the laundry basket..

I went into the heated shower. The hot water hitting against my skin felt so good. I felt so relaxed. Like the stress and all that was on my mind was washing out. 

Suddenly I felt my heart tighten when my father crossed my mind. For some reason, I could forget anything and everything for a minute except my father. No matter what I did, he was always their in my thoughts haunting me. 

Thinking of him got me thinking of my mother and sister. I miss them so much. It's been nearly a year and a half since I last saw them.

I ran away from home the day I graduated. I was only 17 years old when I graduated because I had skipped a year in middle school. 

I shampoed my hair and scrubbed my body with soap. Then I washed the conditioner off my hair. 

After a long 20 minutes in the shower, I turned it off and stepped out. I grabbed the towel and dried myself up. I brushed my teeth quickly and blow dried my hair for like 20 seconds and then brushed my hair although it was still wet. 

I wrapped the towel around me and walked to my bedroom hoping Erika and Niall won't just randomly walk out. 

Luckily, they were still in the room with the door closed but there weren't any disturbing noises though. 

I closed my bedroom door behind me and put on an underwear and bra I had in my drawer. I grabbed my pajama shorts and a hoodie. I wore them on and grabbed my purse.

I pulled out my iphone and earphones. I threw my purse on the floor and switched the lights off and jumped into bed using my phone as my flashlight. 

I plugged in the charger for my iphone on the wall next to my headboard and connected it to my phone to charge. I put my earphones on and played my favorite playlist I had created. It was full of slow rnb songs. 

I covered myself up with my blankets and shut my eyes hoping I'd sleep directly. 

Suddenly, the most sexual song I had on this playlist started playing. It was "Fuck With Me - SoMo". 

I told myself I could sleep through this but I lied to myself. All I  could think of was Zayn. The way he touched me with his hands. The way his lips pressed against mine so softly. The way he bites my lower lip and smiles.

The way his eyes become dark and he starts biting on his lower lip when he is turned on and horny... How he becomes aggressive and goes hard... How he touches me in the all the right places... How seductive he becomes...

I felt my legs become weak and I wanted him so bad. I opened my eyes directly and turned off the music and pulled my earphones out. 


I pulled the covers over my head and closed my eyes tightly hoping he'd leave my thoughts... 


Please leave me your comments below! I really want to know what you think of it :) x 


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