Chapter 11

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My upper back and neck were killing me. My legs were sore. I couldn't budge. I could feel the light from outside hitting my eyelids. I felt like my body was dead. 

I felt out of place then suddenly I had a flashback of what happened last night. I jumped up in my spot with my eyes wide open and my heart racing. I pushed off the blanket and sat up, panicking. 

"Shit." My eyes scanned around the bar. It was still early but there were a few people sitting around and the Jeff dude was standing behind the counter taking an order from some woman. 

I looked at the seat in front of me and waited till my heart slowed down and my breathing balanced. It was as if I woke up from a nightmare. Although, I was actually living a nightmare. My body was sore.

I closed my eyes and placed my elbows on my thighs and covered my face with my hands wishing I was in bed. 


My heart was racing again. I knew that voice... It was Zayn. How the hell did he know I was here? Or maybe it was coincidence...  I really wasn't in the mood for him or anyone. I was tired and I looked like complete shit. I kept my face covered with my hands. I didn't want to look at him. His voice was enough to make my blood rush. 

"Hi, Zayn." I spoke quietly and exhausted. 

"I got you some breakfast to eat." He sounded so calm and sweet. I moved my hands away from my face and looked at the breakfast on the short table in front of me. I avoided looking at him or making eye contact with him. 

I didn't want to eat. I wasn't hungry much. I just wanted to get home and away from him. I stood up feeling out of balance. 

I brought my head up facing him. He was wearing grey sweatpants and hoodie. His eyes were staring right at mine. He had black sacs under his eyes. He looked like he hadn't slept in weeks. His hair was a mess and beard was scruffy. He didn't look evil though. He looked so innocent. His long lashes fluttering over his large vivid hazel eyes were staring right at me. I was trying to avoid eye contact the whole time but I had no other choice. I couldn't just stare at the wall behind me and talk. That would be just plain awkward. 

I didn't want the breakfast he got me. I needed to get away from him because my feelings were going to fuck with me. 

"I'm not hungry. I'm just going to use the bathroom then head home." 

He stared at me blankly. I walked passed him towards the bathroom at the back of the bar. 

He didn't budge. He remained standing in his spot. I was curious what had gotten into him to act this way. It was weird.

I walked into the bathroom and stood facing the mirror. I opened the sink water and placed my hands like a cup under the faucet and splashed it on my face. I felt like shit. I needed to brush my teeth and a long, very long, hot shower. 


My heart was racing as she removed her hands from her face. She was so beautiful; although, she looked extremely exhausted. She was staring at the breakfast I placed on the table in front of her. 

"Hi Zayn." She spoke quietly and exhausted.

"I got you some breakfast to eat."  I tried sounding calm, even though my heart was racing fast and my breathing was getting  out of balance.

She moved her hands away from her face and looked at the breakfast on the short table in front of her. She looked disgusted by the food. She was going to reject it and walk out of here. I was sure she was thinking of how to get out of here.

She suddenly stood up and raised her head to face me. Her hair tied up in a mess and squinting her eyes. The light from outside was probably to bright for her since she just woke up. 

I loved her. I loved her so much. Loving her was what made me mad and furious most of the time. I didn't know how to show it. That was my problem. Our eyes met and her dark brown eyes were melting in my eyes. She was biting on her lower lip. I loved when she did that. That was a major turn on. 

"I'm not hungry. I'm just going to use the bathroom then head home." She spoke quickly and in a way she seemed like she was worried if I'd go nuts on her. 

I stared at her without a response. I didn't want to go nuts and I didn't want to annoy her. She walked passed me and I could feel every inch of me wanting to just hold her in my arms. 

I remained standing in my spot. I was curious what she was thinking of. Was she thinking of last night? Was she thinking of all the shit I had done? Was she thinking of me being a dick?


I walked out of the bathroom and looked at the area I left Zayn standing. He wasn't there. Just the breakfast he had gotten me was left on the table. I peered around the bar and there was no sign of him. Jeff the bartender dude wasn't in sight either. I saw the clock above the front door and it was 8 AM. 

I walked towards the table where Zayn had placed the breakfast and grabbed a chocolate muffin from the tray. 

I munched on it as I walked out of the bar. It tasted good.

As soon as I was standing out of the bar, my eyes met Zayn's car. Zayn was in it. He hadn't seen me yet so I had the chance to escape before he saw me. I stuffed the rest of the muffin into my mouth and turned left.

I walked along the path that got me here. 

I started walking faster to get out of view. 

My legs were fuckin killing me. They were so sore from all the running last night. 

As soon as his car was out of sight and I knew he wouldn't be able to see me anymore from where he was, so I started walking at a normal pace. 




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