Chapter 10

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"All she's done since the day I met her is drive me fuckin crazy!" I paced back and forth in front of Louis, who was sitting on the second stair of his patio. I was beyond frustrated from her.

Louis smirked and it annoyance spread in me. "She's a fuck toy. That's it. Stop making things complicated."

Mentally my mouth dropped open at the words Louis just said. I froze in my spot. I wanted to beat the shit out of him and punch that stupid smirk off his face. 

"Don't fuckin say that EVER again." I stressed on the word ever. I was ready to grab him by the collar any second from now. 

His face became stern. He flicked the cigarette between his index and middle finger on to the lawn. 

"You have one thing to do, dick face. All I want you to do is keep her in our fuckin business. She can't go. She makes more cash in a day than you could ever make in a month." 

"Whatever..." I turned and walked away. I didn't bother to even look back to see the smirk starting to spread on his face again. 

I placed my hands in my pockets and continued walking. It was getting cold and really late. 

I couldn't ever stop thinking of her. I couldn't ever stop loving her. It was really hard for me to admit so. I felt that it made me weak to speak or think that. 

We need her, not just my heart, but this business that Louis and I are running. I never liked her to know that I was running it as well. Actually, Liam and Harry didn't know either. It was none of their fuckin business anyways. 

I couldn't believe she slept with Harry. My temper was slowly starting to rise again. I never slept with her bitchy friend. I just said that to piss her off and hurt her the way I got hurt when I found out she fucked Harry.

I think I should go to her place and talk to her. I doubt she had fallen asleep. She was probably in the bathroom cutting... again... My teeth clenched at the thought of her standing in front of the mirror hating on herself. I felt my heart cry for her to stop it.

I was now standing in front of my home. I pulled out my keys and got into my car that I left parked in the driveway. 

I turned on the car and was now on the road driving. I have to fix things between us. I have to make it better. I never intended on hurting her. I would be drunk, high or whatever shit I would be on.

I need to stop acting like a fuckin child to her. I need to let her know I love her but... I can't.... I know that once I am in front of her the only words that will leave my mouth will be hurtful. 

 I was near her place now. As I was about to park in front of the house across hers I see someone running across her lawn. It was dark. I couldn't make clear of who it was. I jumped out of the car panicking it might be some jackass that fucked her over right now. 

The person running across the lawn down the road was her. My heart dropped. I was confused whether to run after her or find out what was she running away from. 

As soon as I made the decision to get back into my car and follow her, Louis came into view. He was walking across the lawn towards his car which was parked in front of the home beside her. 

I felt my insides boil with fire. I ran towards him, lifted my right arm and punched him right in the nose. 

"You fuckin sac of shit!" I spit at him and pushed him to the ground. "You're the biggest fuck dick alive! What the hell did you do to her?!" 

"Nothing..." A smirk spread across his face. "Just a bit of teasing. She likes to tease, ay?" He winked at me. 

I was suddenly on him punching him non stop. I couldn't control it any longer. He has been on my nerves since the day she came. Now, he has exceeded the fuckin limit and I couldn't just sit and stare anymore. 

I grabbed him by the collar and slammed his head against the ground. I stood up and looked down at the weak Louis. 

"You fuckin come near her once more and you will be fuckin dead." If I could I would kill him right now this fuckin moment but I know it would be no good to do so. 

I turned and made my way to my car. I turned it on and drove off. 

"Ahh.. Fuck! How am I going to know where she went?" I slammed my palm against the steering wheel. 

I continued driving straight ahead and she came into view. She was running but at a slower pace now. She was in her sports bra... Louis, the fuckin dick... 

I slowed down as she entered some bar. 

I parked the car and sat thinking to myself of what I should tell her. How can I explain all the shit happening to her? There was no fuckin right explanation. She was living with a sac of fuck ups... 

She probably doesn't even want to see me since I told her I slept wit her friend. 

She's wearing a fuckin sports bra... God knows who's in there, staring at her with their filthy eyes. 

I got out of the car and walked into the bar. It was empty. I walked further in and some chubby man in his 40s walks out of the door behind the bar. 

"Could I help you, sir?" He smiled at me which I found creepy. 

"There's a chick that walked in here, do you know where she went?" I asked sternly wanting a direct response from him.

"I think you should let her be. She seems exhausted and freaked out. You can leave or have a beer then leave directly." Who the fuck did he think he was? Shit... In the condition she was in, of course, he'd think I'm some jackass running after her.

I saw his eyes move across the bar behind me and he directly moved his eyes back to meet mine. 

I turned and looked behind me and found her asleep on one of the couches. 

I had no idea she knew about this place. She had never told me about it. She seems so comfortable in here as if she's been coming here her whole life. 

I looked back at the guy. He was eyeing me curiously and seemed worried if I was about to do something stupid.

"I'm good friends with her, so don't worry. I'm gonna get a beer and just sit near her. That's all." I reassured him.

"Okay. I'll get you that beer." His creepy smile spread across his face again. 

I walked towards her and sat on the couch opposite of her. 

She was already covered in some thin blanket which he obviously covered her in. I didn't like him. What if he's some creepy pedophile?

I erased the thought of beating him up and causing more drama to her life and just stared at her.

She was beautiful in every way possible. I'm making her a wreck. She looked exhausted. Her tears dry on her face. Her hair a mess... Her face seemed sad and hurt which she obviously was. 

The man placed the beer on the short table in front of me and walked away back through the door he came out from when I first entered. 

I gulped down the beer and sat back. 

Everything we've done since the day I met her ran through my mind. It was like a dream. So much drama, so much love, so much hate, so much fuckin up, so much sex. She was great at sex. She was actually the first girl for me... I was hoping if she could be my last if she still wanted me.... 

I love her so much it hurts... 



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