Chapter 1: Newbie

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Shane's POV

I woke up to screaming again. Great, it was my dad yelling at my brother Jared, he only got yelled at when I wasn't around or sleeping. But as soon as I'm in my dads sight I get my beating.

I'm used to it by now, and I'd rather it be than my mom or brothers. Im surprisingly the most popular boy in school so when people ask about my wounds I just say I got in a fight and no one questions it. I go downstairs and my dad is drunk

Surprise Surprise

The only person who knows what really happens is Lisa. She's my best friend, I met her on the first day if school and she knows everything about me. Everyone knows a lot about me but the one big secret that only she know and only she will know.

I'm gay

I could never come out. Not at that school, the only person I could even think of coming out to in my group of friends is Luke. He's one of the nicest guys I know and besides me he's the only one in the group who lays off on the bullying. We still bully to keep our place but we're not as hardcore as Sawyer and JC are. It's an unwritten rule that we're not aloud to befriend anyone that isn't in the group, I don't really care about that rule because its stupid but I follow it with one exception. I'm friends with Connor, he's not exactly a nerd but he gets picked on enough which I don't get.

By the time I was ready for my dads beating he was already passed out on the couch. Lucky me, I ran to the bus stop and waited with Luke. I had to tell him.

Shane: Hey Luke

Luke: Hey Shane! I haven't talked to you all weekend, how've you been bro?

Shane: Actually can you keep a secret, from everyone including the guys.

Luke: Yeah! Go ahead you can trust me.

Shane: Well, I'm um....Gay.

I expected the worst but hoped for the best

Luke: Don't worry, I won't tell anyone and I accept you 100%

Shane: Oh my god Luke thank you so much

I would hug him but I thought that'd be weird, but he ended up hugging me after we let go the bus came

I walked on and saw a new kid talking to Lisa, I didn't feel like introducing myself which I know sounds mean but I don't do well with talking to new people.

Joeys POV

I couldn't believe my eyes! I knew it was him because I found him on Facebook a year ago and it was Shane, Shane Dawson! The love of my life was walking on the bus.

Shane: Hey Lisa

Lisa: Hey shane! Wanna sit with me?

I hope he says yes then I could say hi and we could pick up where we left off.

Shane: Yeah sure, can Luke sit in front of us?

Lisa: I don't see why not

He sat down and a boy, I'm guessing like, sat in front of them and they all had a little conversation. Then Shane whispered something to Lisa, I couldn't make out what he was saying but she shrieked and hugged him. I decided I should say hi.

Joey: Hi!

He looked confused. Did he not remember me? Of corse he didn't, why did I get my hopes up?

Lisa: Shane this is Joey, Joey this is Shane

I knew who he was but Lisa didn't know that and I wasn't about to look foolish so I acted as if I didn't know who he is.

Shane: Hey, you new?

Joey: Yeah I'm from Boston

Shane: Damn, that's far. Good luck at the school man

With that he looked away and went on his phone. I understand why he doesn't remember me, he didn't know what I looked like. I'll talk to him later and remind him who I am.

Lisa: So what classes do you have?

Joey: Here's my schedule

Lisa: You have 3 classes with me!

Joey: Awesome!!

Lisa: Shane let me see your schedule

He handed her the paper and she smiled a huge smile

Lisa: Yay we have 6 classes and you have all classes with Joey

Shane: Okay cool

Joey: Can you show me around Shane, I've barely been able to look around and get to know the school

Shane: Yeah no problem. He smiled then looked at Lisa

"Lisa what locker do you have?"

Lisa: 428

Shane: Awe, I have 452.

He pouted

"Joey what locker do you have"

He asked me! He didn't have to he wanted to!!

Joey: 453, so next to you!!

Shane laughed and I got confused

Shane: Actually Luke is next to me, our school is total shit and we have top and bottom lockers, you're under me.

He winked and I blushed. We got off soon after that and I walked around like a Lost puppy before someone grabbed my arm

Shane: If you don't want to get detention for being late on the first day you better hurry up and just follow me so you won't get lost.

Joey: Okay, thanks so much!

Shane: Don't mention it, I get bored during the day anyway. I saw you talking to the girls on the bus, you like any?

Joey: No, no offense to them I just don't feel anything.

Shane: Sit with them at lunch, wandering our cafeteria on the first day won't be good for you newbie.

Joey: Newbie?

Shane: I know you name, I just don't call people by their name, no guy in this school gets called their name. Unwritten rule I guess, I usually come up with them and Newbie suits you.

Joey: What do people call you?

I shit my locker and we headed to English but I wanted to continue our conversation which I guess he was gonna do regardless of what lesson we were in.

Shane: They Call me Dawson, started as an inside joke between me and Lisa and ended up replacing my last name and became my nick name

Joey: What's Luke's nickname.

Shane: Conrad. His last name is Conard but I pronounced it as Conrad once and it stuck.

Joey: Wow

We got to the classroom and Shane stopped

Shane: here you are, see you after class

Joey: you aren't coming?

Shane: Nah, that's creative writing. I don't need it, I finished my assignments last year way to early so I don't go anymore, writing is kinda my thing. I meet up with the guys and skip class then come back before it ends, see ya later newbie.

I secretly hated that name but I took any attention from him that I could get. I was too interested In learning about the school that I forgot to tell him who I was, I'll tell him when he gets back. I wish I didn't have to take this class alone.

Oh well I'll survive.


I know it's a boring chapter but it needed to be written, they're gonna get more interesting I swear. Leave me suggestions in the comments and vote if you liked it

Love you xx

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